Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

@austinjoel2001 OP report straight to management. Do not engage with them alone. They are intentionally pushing your boundaries and testing your reactions. The fact you say they do not act like this when there are other men around concerns and alarms me.

For now can you go at a different time or with anther person? For some reason when you say their ave and their behaviour - I’m getting sort of Incel / toxic masculine vibes off them. Going into your personal space like that snd chasing you off machines when you’re alone is very intentional behaviour.

Honestly I’d love to see you rally like two or three body builders and do the exact same thing to you when you’re alone. That would be hilarious to see how quickly they cut off the gym bro front.
@austinjoel2001 I had something like this. My gym is so lovely the manager noticed before I could say anything, apologized to me and spoke to the dudes.

I realize I have a unicorn gym but there they make a conscious effort that everyone feels safe in the space.
@austinjoel2001 Speak to the manager. Tell them youre considering quitting because of these guys or changing gyms (even if you arent) and youve seen other people leave mid workout because of them. If they dont care about your comfort they will at least care about clientele.

Also wear headphones to drown out groaning. And dont be afraid to tell these kids to buzz off if they get in your way like that again.
@transnomer What he said.

'Been working out for years at many different gyms. 'Seen lots of behavior. Neck beards like that typically do dipshit actions trying to show off or impress a chic. These guys are just outright obnoxious. If the telling the management doesn't work record their behavior and post it. In fact, post it here. People will continue to do certain things until someone tells or shows them that it's offensive.
@austinjoel2001 It doesn’t really matter what the other people think, if you are feeling uncomfortable (rightly so, they sound like maniacs) then speak to a staff member ASAP! No sane gym manager would tolerate that.
@austinjoel2001 Hi, sounds like you already have a plan to try to speak to them and then take it to management if talking to them doesn’t work. I would caution you, however, to not try to speak with them about this alone. Make sure there are people around when you do so. Just in case, they sound aggressive and you never know.
@austinjoel2001 Tell them to back tf up with their uglass this ain’t that type of party. I also have my lipstick taser with me right in my gym bag im also licensed to carry but I leave that in the car
@jamesrubio I had mentioned in other comments that I wanted to feel the situation out and came here to see if anyone else resolved an issue like this without needing management. The gym is not staffed. They sporadic daytime hours, usually in two hour chunks. I plan on attempting conversation with these two tonight or tomorrow before reaching out to management. I’m not familiar with the management so I’m not sure what will come of my concerns. I worry that management will speak to them and then they will know it was me and it will further escalate things into getting assaulted
@austinjoel2001 Yeah in most cases it's good to try to talk to people first, but by doing so you're showing your hand to these guys. They'll definitely assume it was you. I would just go directly to management and explain your concerns - they're acting so bizarre that you didn't feel comfortable approaching them directly. Management may not doing anything at that time (they absolutely should though) but at least you'll have started the trail of reporting.
@austinjoel2001 I understand your concern, but one must assume that whoever owns the gym would like to run a profit, and if those guys are making people uncomfortable they might start losing members, so a heads up would likely be appreciated.