Josh Bridges movement standards in 16.4


New member
Due to the complaints about Josh Bridges deadlifts in 16.4 i watched the Video in 0.25% of the original speed and made some screenshots.
1) when he stands upright after closing his belt before the second round of deadlifts
2)At the beginning of the downward movement to pick up the bar
3)At the end of the upward movement of his lift

Sorry for the primitive method, i am untalented with phototools etc.

What do you think? Is this a no rep?

If my screenshots are too small, watch the video yourself at
(You can adjust the speed by clicking at the options wheel at the bottom right)
@jaylgee1 there isn't really a polite way to say this: Bridges reps are at best questionable. Some of the other guys in this video are just plain garbage.

An entire gym was DQ'd a while ago over multiple athletes with spotty box jumps. Isn't this really the same situation?
@psalms119 The same situation?

Not really.

Bridges is a big name.

I can absolutely see why some people are treated differently than others because of popularity. A "celebrity" versus a gym of...well, non-famous people...
@dawn16 Yeah, of course there is some of that going on. But this video is horrendous. It's not just Josh; he isn't even the worst of them.

I don't know the other guys but if you told me this was a video of people mocking CrossFit, I would believe it.