Survey: What CrossFit Movement is the Hardest to Master?

@iphonetrabaohanh Difficult to learn, difficult to master, or difficult to build the strength required to perform the movement?

It's not especially difficult to learn to snatch, but to be good at snatching is a whole other story - far more time is required than to build the strength to do a bar muscle up.
@chantelle1989g I agree with this. I see folks at my box move heavy-ass weights while deadlifting, benching, squatting but I see them do Snatch (full version) with horrible form, not breaking parallel and somewhere close to a power snatch.
@chantelle1989g > The focus here is on how hard it was to get to a point where you were performing the movement well, not whether you are able to perform the movement at a heavy or light weight/at high reps.

I interpreted this as 'how hard was it to get your strength and technique to the point where you should be doing these movements in a WOD?'
@tomsleeuk I'm kind of glad it isn't just me, trying to pin down the form on the single arm OHS has been a goal of mine for a while (about 2 years now) and it's getting better, but getting that mobility and stability throughout my entire body has been really difficult. The good news is that it has me stretching a lot more which has benefitted my other lifts pretty substantially.

I hope I didn't come off as a dick, I hope you get it soon, it's just comforting to know I'm not the only one who knows the struggle.