Calisthenic Movement's Level 5 Program test week results - 45 second L sit and 14 DEAD HANG pull ups!

@cactus_lil Concerning their requirements, it seems to me that the pull-up requirement does not really match the others listed. Level 3 for instance. I can do all of the other requirements easy but 12 straight pull-ups is much more difficult. Would you recommend I still start at 3 or move down?
@littlerowan I thought that until I realised '12 pull ups' meant LESS than 12 pull ups. I started level 4 with 12 pull ups as my max, so I don't think it matters all that much. Having all the other pre-requisites in the bag should be enough.

How many pull ups can you do?
@cactus_lil Hi, I'm really new to Bodyweight Fitness and Fitness in general and i was wondering if anyone can tell me what this Program he is doing and where can i find it?
@cactus_lil Hey there ! :p

Your pullup form is impressive ! congratulations for your 2 new records =) I'm really looking forward to your review of level 5 !

As I told you in PM, they sent me their new program so I've been able to get back to it 3 weeks ago. I decided to start at the the second month of level 1, since the first month is rather boring IMO and for some reason they didn't change it at all. I found myself very weak (mostly in pull) but I don't get tendonitis anymore so I'm enjoying the grind and I hope to post good results when I'll finish level 1 !

I'm enjoying the new programming a lot, doing 1 set MR during test weeks makes so much more sense than the old "5min challenge" that I always skipped because... who cares about their "5min MR" lol.
I like how they use the MR from test week to design the reps/sets of the following month. I found their old program good but there's no comparison, the new one is so much better
@chickenbaltiriceandnaan Hey again Sweel! How are you doing?

I've only seen the new version of level 1. I actually bought it for my girlfriend lol. I noticed the way they use the test week numbers to build the next phase and thought that was really brilliant.

I also like the look of the last phase where they encourage pull ups and dips to be done to a 3-5 RM, which you can tell is them banking on you guys being able to do FULL pull ups and dips by that point.

I didn't realise the old version was much worse. Fair play to them for updating it.
@chickenbaltiriceandnaan It means making sure you use a progression that's hard enough such that you LITERALLY cannot do more than either 3,4 or 5, reps. That's why they give such generous rest periods in that phase - because the work should be a true all out effort for those rep ranges. Does that help?