Survey: What CrossFit Movement is the Hardest to Master?

@iphonetrabaohanh After 3 years of Crossfit, the two movements that elude me are pistols (I'm oh so close, more I think a mobility thing than anything else), and handstand walking/holds. Albeit it for both, neither are things that come up on a regular basis, the amount of hours practicing them both, or working on them as weaknesses just isn't there.

I'd put clean and jerks, and snatches up there as difficult to master, neither are the hardest to learn, but some of the little nuances can make all the difference for them. Ring and Bar muscles ups are in sort of the same category, if you have the strength, and the body proprioception, they aren't the hardest to get, but stringing multiples together require a higher mastery than just throwing yourself really hard at the first one :)
@iphonetrabaohanh Handstand walks are the _one_ movement for me that is hardest. Everything else has come with practice and building strength. That one also involves an element of balance while inverted that eludes me.
@iphonetrabaohanh What would your definition be for "hardest to master"?

I find you can break them up into "technically hard to master" and "physically hard to master"

So... someone with limited upper body strength will find strict pull ups physically hard to master, even though the movement itself is pretty simple.

Squat snatches, OTOH, require a level of technical skill and mobility more than physical strength, because you can do a squat snatch with 35 lbs on a bar, it's getting the form down right that's a struggle.