Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

@autonomicrake Yeah, the amount of people who get after me for daring to drink diet pepsi is astounding, since they're normally reasonably smart people. Even though I used to drink 2 L of Pepsi Max a day, that's still not an unsafe amount of aspartame, or even caffeine. I've cut back since, but only because I've gotten tired of carrying the bottles home, and because caffeine actually makes me tired, but I still took forever to shake the "it'll wake you up!" thing from my brain.
@autonomicrake They do, however, taste like absolute shit. Particularly in soda.

Idk I just find it easier to not drink soda pop at all or only very rarely, rather than drink disgusting pop.
@lettuce Speak for yourself! I fckin love me some Diet Coke 😌 I'm more worried abt its effects on my teeth than the cancer part, tho, so I try to limit to 3/wk and keep good oral hygiene otherwise
@lettuce Yeah I guess that just comes down to individual taste preferences, I find diet drinks absolutely fine, but I’ve also been drinking them for a very long time and have no desire to drink regular ones
@lettuce For some people, artificial sweeteners taste bad. For some of us, there is absolutely no bad taste to them. My roommate can only have erythritol, while I enjoy all of them and use them sometimes to lower my calories.
@notaperfectchristian That insulin is the real way you get fat, so you have to eat low carbs and have no sugar to be healthy and lose weight. There are so many youtube folks insisting that Keto is the only way anyone can lose weight.

People always jump from one extreme to another.
In the 90s, you couldn't eat any fat if you wanted to be healthy. Now it is don't eat any simple carbs. I've had people in IF groups tell me there is no way that I actually lost weight while still eating bread, rice, and pasta regularly... I did though.

Almost everyone can be healthy just eating everything in moderation if they just don't eat too much.
@jg_lrd I’ve lost 50 pounds and I don’t think there’s been a single day I haven’t eaten refined carbs. I did have to reduce them so I could still hit my protein goals with less calories, but I’d rather die than cut out pasta and bread entirely.
@warrioress Google “bleach church.” Most recently they’re in trouble for selling it as a COVID cure, but before that they were claiming it would “detox” you from parasites that were making you fat. They’ve also claimed it would cure autism.
@notaperfectchristian When everyone was convinced that Agave Nectar was not only “not a bad sugar” but in fact even GOOD for your health, and stores like Trader Joe’s couldn’t keep it in stock.

This may be part of what you were alluding to with corn syrup in the 2000s but I wanted to call it out specifically!)
@warrioress My daughter’s rd told us that agave is bad for the liver, and we shouldn’t put it in her g tube blends. Better to go with honey or maple syrup as her sugar. This was mid 2010’s. We had a specific recipe of proteins, veggies, oil, salt and sweeteners to put in her blend due to her rare disease. Loved she was pro blended diet over formula (although based on her illness, we did do formula at times and weaned her back to real blended food)
@davidmwebb Yessss! This is another big one for me. Your body literally can’t tell the difference. “Natural sugar” is healthy for everything else you get when you eat an apple or something not because the sugar is better for you then other sugar