Kipping Muscle-Ups Advice Wanted


New member
Hi r/Crossfit

Wanted to pick all your smart brains, yet again :).

With muscle-ups, I'm the opposite of what usually happens. I've got Strict down( ), but kipping remains quite elusive. Given that I can do 12 Strict in an EMOM style (1 at minute, 1 at minute 2) , I don't think strength is the issue.

When I try bar muscle-ups, I find that I'm catching in more of an L-Sit vs. the horizontal approach that's needed. (See here - )

Any tips on what I need to fix?


@sherilyn I hit my first Bar muscle up a few weeks ago. Its a different movement then a C2B. You need to get your hips to the bar, then get your head forward. Heres the video from my first BMU. Watch as my back is almost parallel to the floor as my hips meet the bar and I bring my head forward. It's easier to see in slow motion. Eventually it all just clicks and you're like "why was that so hard?"

@rochelle This. You’re hips aren’t even close to the bar. You need a second “kip” once your knees are high up to move your hips to the bar, then you just turn over
@sherilyn you're just not doing bar muscle ups correctly. you are treating it way too much like a pull-up, pulling your chest into the bar. your kip swing is largely fine... could be tighter and a bit prettier, but more than good enough to put multiple bar muscle-ups together.

the bar muscle up is much less of a vertical plane pulling movement (like strict and kipping pull-ups) and much more of a horizontal plane pulling movement. the way you are oriented to the rings in a ring row, with your arms still fully extended in the "hang" is the way you should be oriented to the bar in the bar muscle-up. i would certainly practice some kip swings on the ring with focus on seeing your toes coming up in front of you (a function of your hips elevating to the rings (or bar). obviously, the complexity of this changes a bit when the pivot point becomes fixed on the bar, but the same principles apply. the goal of the kip swing as applied to the bar muscle up is to elevate your hips to the bar (what you are currently not doing) before initiating a pull with your arms.
@sherilyn You're obviously strong, but based on your bmu video, you lack swing. Utilize your shoulders more on the tap, since they are the base for your swinging momentum. Pamela Gagnon from cf gymnastics has a plethora of drills on her instagram page that really break down the skill. In the mean time, drill the hollow and arch shapes until they are muscle memory, and practice strong kipping swings where you pull as low as you can, but don't try to turn over. Breaking down the skills should help you with the timing. Good luck!