Lagging lats after 7 years

@directork My lats didn’t grow for three years, added in front lat pullovers and I look like a dorito now with my lat spread. Please take my advice, just add it for a handful of months and you’ll see a difference immediately. Video attached (not mine) on form and how to do them if you’re not familiar.

@directork Maybe focus on more overall volume for pull ups so maybe 5x5. Nothing has ever built my lats like weighted pull ups and upping the volume on them blew my back up. Like I do 5x5 on pull ups and then 3x8 on chin ups same day to hit both rep ranges and get extra volume for biceps. Then honestly rest of my rowing movements are for upper back

But also, I think your back looks good. Could maybe just be the high insertion point you dont like.
@directork A little outside shoulder width, and if I ever have achey joints I’ll use gymnastic rings to allow my hands to go more neutral during the pull.

Honestly though bro, you look yoked. So ultimately do what you enjoy as long as you are porgressing :)
@directork Your lats look fine dude, you either have high lat insertions (which can still be very aesthetic), or lagging lower lats. Either way your back still looks very wide so I’d reckon this is mostly body dysmorphia