Local Competitions are humbling

@laddersdoorskeys Find out where the people that beat you train, and see if you can go train with them. If you are always at the top of your class, it might make it hard to push yourself. I find that being around people who are better than me makes me push harder, as well as just realize where improvements are possible.
@laddersdoorskeys I know its so cliche but just have fun. Just keep grinding and you'll get stronger and more efficient with time.

I have a buddy who is also looking get stronger and he's started the Mark Rippetoe 'Starting Strength' program a few weeks ago and he's seeing some major gains, but he says it's a lot of work AND a lot of eating. He hasn't gained fat or anything but he's adding a lot of lean mass. I'd check it out if you want to get stronger. Only issue I've heard is that it can be really tough to do both SS and crossfit programing at the same time. He's following the SS program and doing CF twice a week to refine his movements and keep the conditioning cardio going.

Rippetoe is a CF hater but he know his stuff. He's a world class coach.
Rippetoe is a CF hater but he know his stuff. He's a world class coach.

Rippetoe hates everything in the world. But a world class coach he is not.

If you want to get stronger for barbell CF type activities, then doing something like Barbell Wod or a 3 day week olympic lifting cycle is way more beneficial.
@cain_elenbaas I know a few people who swear by 'Starting Strength'. He's definitely solely geared towards improving your max and overall strength and not conditioning by any means.

I think moral of the story is if you dedicate yourself to a well structured weight lifting/strength program and dial in your nutrition/sleep you can achieve your goal in adding strength. Just my opinion. I'm not a coach and other on the crossfit subreddit are much more in the know then me.
@cain_elenbaas even lon kilgore, who co-wrote starting strength, seems to have disassociated himself from rippetoe.

all you need to know about rippetoe's quality/knowledge of coaching is how he describes the first pull of a clean as exactly the same as a deadlift. and i have yet to see a seriously strong squatter squat the way rippetoe would suggest. not one.
@1corithians13 If you are an untrained newbie you can absolutely gain muscle while losing fat. And if you're seeing major gains from SS after just a few weeks you're most likely untrained.
@laddersdoorskeys Supplement with a weight training program. Most boxes just are not going to be able to get their members as strong as they could because they are splitting the class time up with the WOD too. Come early and/or stay late or go to open gym if they have it. Or get membership somewhere you can get some serious lifting in.
@laddersdoorskeys I know the feeling, I'm near the top in the gym but way down in most comps. We have a couple dudes at our gym who think they're all special for being big fish in a little pond. It's amazing to watch them struggle against real competition
@laddersdoorskeys Just go and have fun. Did you feel like you were challenging yourself? Did you have a good time? If not, then don't compete. You'll pretty much have this problem every time unless they do weight categories. You have very good lift numbers for your weight/height, but compared to a 5'10" 170 lb woman you are probably not going to be able to out lift her unless she's a novice. Unless you have some aspirations to be a competitive Crossfitter, take it easy on yourself! If you like to compete, great! If it makes you feel bad, just don't bother.
@dawn16 Very true. I did have fun! I am so competitive, and always have been since a very young age, so I am always hard on myself. I definitely have to remember this! thanks for the support!
@laddersdoorskeys I'm in a similar boat. 30/F/5'2"/132lbs. I've got a 155 C&J, 175 clean, (power) snatch 120, FS 210+, and back squat 235+. They get the '+' because I need to re-test my maxes.

My advice is to talk to your coach(es) and start a strength or squat-based program in addition to classes. I personally do just fine with a 3/week squat program after classes during open gym, but friends of mine must squat first (before class/metcon) - you'll learn what works for you. You may have to prioritize strength training for a bit to see the results you want. I promise you can re-develop your metcon capacity!

I would also recommend making sure you continue to get technique practice on your oly lifts. If there's an oly class, keep going to it while you get even stronger!

As for competing, if the fun you had outweighs the frustration you felt, keep doing it. It's good practice and it's fun. But if it's just making you disappointed in yourself or your training, don't compete for awhile and spend that energy on making yourself better.
@dv2012 Thanks for the advice! I think a 3/week squat program would be perfect. Definitely willing to put in the time after/before class. Any program you would recommend that you've had success with? Do you also practice oly lifts weekly? I'm having trouble prioritizing.
Yes, it definitely is fun. I just have more fun winning and doing well ;)
@laddersdoorskeys The head coach/programmer for my gym wrote his own squat program that lots of us have used successfully. I could PM it to you if you'd like. Alternatively, some people have done Wendler (5/3/1), StrongLifts, that 7/13 program, or even Smolov Jr. The first step is to pick a program and do it. If the one you pick turns out to be too much volume/undesirable in some way, pick a different one next time.

In addition to Oly lifts showing up in regular class skillwork, we have a weekly Oly class. It rotates between cleans and snatches, but every other to every third "clean" day becomes a "jerk" day. As you may have noticed from my numbers, my snatch is lagging and my jerk is really lagging. So I'm at Oly every week!

Right now, I'm working on fixing some imbalances between my left and right sides that have been causing pain. Soon, I'll check in with my coaches to choose what my next post-class projects will be - I'm guessing it'll be a mix between oly technique drills and gymnastics practice, since those seem to need more work than my actual raw strength at this point.