Looking for a cardio exercise like swimming the backstroke (x-post /r/bodyweightfitness)


New member
I had a chance this past week to spend some time swimming in a larger body of water than I normally have access too, and I discovered that swimming a backstroke feels like an excellent remedy for my typical hunched over desk posture - the long pull with the back muscles, and the reaching up and over the head. I'm posting here and in r/bodyweightfitness simply because those are the two subs I regularly frequent. If I need to reach out elsewhere please let me know.

Is there any exercise (kettlebell or otherwise) that would be a similar movement? Gaining regular access to an olympic sized pool is borderline impossible right now. I'd prefer a cardio or circuit but a strength excessive would be OK as well.

Any thoughts?
@qtpie71 Kettlebell swings will work your lower back but the movement is not exactly the same. Kettle snatch and Turkish getups are good for shoulders and back. Some gyms have rope climb machines that would also work your back and of course there are rowing machines.
@locke23 But these are all work done in the front of the body with bent forward posture. The swimming backstroke is the opposite - the work is done behind the back and pulls that direction.
@qtpie71 Are you asking for advice regarding exercises that mimic the back stroke ?
Are you asking for advice regarding exercises that will help your poor posture?

Kettle bell swings are an excellent exercise for strengthening the posterior chain. A weak.posterior chain is a common culprit with posture issues.
@fsmbin I'm asking for something that mimics the backstroke. I'm already working on swings for the posture issues. It's not actually as much that I am looking to help posture issues as much as I love the feel of the behind the back pulling of the arm down. I tend to have tight chest muscles (already working rows and pull-ups to offset) and more than anything the backstroke felt therapeutic, I think.

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