I had a chance this past week to spend some time swimming in a larger body of water than I normally have access too, and I discovered that swimming a backstroke feels like an excellent remedy for my typical hunched over desk posture - the long pull with the back muscles, and the reaching up and over the head. I'm posting here and in r/bodyweightfitness simply because those are the two subs I regularly frequent. If I need to reach out elsewhere please let me know.
Is there any exercise (kettlebell or otherwise) that would be a similar movement? Gaining regular access to an olympic sized pool is borderline impossible right now. I'd prefer a cardio or circuit but a strength excessive would be OK as well.
Any thoughts?
Is there any exercise (kettlebell or otherwise) that would be a similar movement? Gaining regular access to an olympic sized pool is borderline impossible right now. I'd prefer a cardio or circuit but a strength excessive would be OK as well.
Any thoughts?