Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

@shadowinthelight Personally, I like the Optimum Nutrition brand. I get the chocolate from Costco. It costs $64 but it’s for a 5lb bag. Lasts me 2-3 months, I do 2 scoops per shake and usually one shake a day. Sometimes two.

Rotation is a normal movement to have trouble with after back surgeries when bolts are involved. Was it lower thoracic?
@shadowinthelight even if you don't work out, if you cut your calories down to 1500 you can lose weight. if you start working out even once a week you can lose weight pretty fast if you eat 1300 cal
@shadowinthelight I gained a lot of weight with high dose prednisone and Cushing's syndrome. I also have EDS, so the extra weight was crushing the ligaments in my ankles and affecting my knees and hips. I was in terrible pain walking. I bought a Maxi Glider 360, zero impact on my joints. Along with eating less I used it daily and built my time up on it until I could tolerate walking more, which the weight loss helped with too. I've lost 40lbs, 20 more to go. Would honestly recommend it to anyone with pain in their joints. It's gentle but gets the heart rate up easily. I still use it, even with my VR headset, which makes it extra fun!
@shadowinthelight OP-hugs.

Please know that you have the power within you to control your HEALTH.

Focusing on weight is good in the short term, but as someone who has battled eating and exercise disorders for the last 31y, I’ll plead for your focus overall to be NOT on the scale.

Can you speak with your MD?

How are your labs?

Please rule out anything that can be amended medically (ex thyroid, female hormones, depression, etc) and therapy wise WHILE you start just inventorying your habits.

Once you have an idea of the low hanging fruit to change, one small change. Let it sink in and build momentum.

It may not be a linear journey, but you will do it.

Best of luck.
@shadowinthelight People will say 'you can't outrun a bad diet' and that's absolutely true, but that doesn't mean that adding in exercise will not help you in all kinds of ways.

I find that when I'm not exercising at all, making good choices (not even just nutritionally, for everything) is way harder, because overall I'm just a lot more tired and sad. Adding even just a little bit of movement to your day (short walks, etc) can really make the whole rest of the journey feel a lot better.

Don't expect anything to change overnight (your habits, your weight, your body, your life). Celebrate the small wins - and I mean genuinely celebrate them. Focus on what you can do, and add in the rest later.
@shadowinthelight I weighed 212 at the beginning of the year. I started out just eating less and not giving into my cravings all of the time. Then I started calorie tracking. Then working out now I’m down 60 lbs and weigh 150. I’m not at my goal weight but I feel a lot better now than I did at the beginning of the year. You just have to start making small changes that you can stick to
@shadowinthelight Most weightloss is done through diet, so try tracking everything you eat and drink for a week to identify when and where you are consuming empty calories. There are some good apps for this like MyFitnessPal and LoseIt. I made sure I didn't eat or drink anything without tracking it first. I'm sure that kept the calorie number lower than what I eat freely, but it helped get into the mindset of being conscious of what I consume. You'll be surprised how many calories are in your drinks!

From there, start with small steps and cut out sugary drinks or midnight snacks, etc. it takes time and deliberate action to build good habits. You got this!