looking for an accountability pal- same ish stats 5’1 CW: 140 lbs


New member
23/F CW: 140, GW:120-125 Looking for an accountability buddy! (0:

I hope this is okay to post here. I’d like to share snaps of meals and snacks, and if comfortable- before and after photos. A check-in message like I’m hitting my calories or I’m not eating something dumb. I’m currently walking 15 mins (at least)- an hour each day to start and making sure I hit my calories, tracking is tough but i just logged in 8 days so far! It’d be nice to have someone to check in with daily for that too...I’m 5’1 and stuck around in the 140 range. I eat roughly 1,200-1,400 calories and try to be more mindful about it than anything but also focusing on not beating myself up...if I indulge a bit or miss a day of tracking? I’m interested in what other people’s routines are like as well!

I don’t mind where you are in your journey just that we can both be useful to each other and motivate each other to reach our goals. If this is something you’re interested in, please send me a message! I also just recently got an apple watch if anyone’s interested in sharing fitness/goal stats or challenges!

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