Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

@ally143 I have the same thing. I ran a half marathon in May and despite months of training didn't do so great and was utterly exhausted for a week afterwards. Went to doctor, blood tests were done, and I found out I had extremely low iron levels (< 5). I also had iron deficiency anemia.

Three months of supplements later, anemia resolved but I my iron was only 17. So, I'm currently still on supplements and getting checked again after Thanksgiving. I'm vegan though so I need to really make sure I'm eating enough iron which can be hard sometimes. I'm feeling way better though. My running has improved, I'm no longer napping every day, and I'm finally making progress with weight lifting.
@catqueen No, that's my iron. My hemoglobin is already back to normal. My doctor reduced my iron pill dosage and wants me to get my blood checked again in November to see if my iron has improved.
@rwadhwan I know this is old but for anyone reading this ferritin is completely different from iron and hemoglobin levels. I have very high iron levels and hemoglobin but my ferritin is only 11. Make sure to check you ferritin because doctors don’t always check for it

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