Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

@armsopen Thank you! I am 160cm.

Program has varied over the years but I’ve always just written my own. This last year it’s been a 4 day split with lower body being 3 of the days. Always prioritizing squats of some variation, hip thrusts, and hinging movements, working in the 12-15 rep range and going very close to failure. Always throw some accessories in at the end to absolute failure e.g. cable kick-backs or hamstring curls. Honestly pretty basic stuff! I feel like it doesn’t rly matter what specific movements you do as long as you’re progressively overloading and pushing hard as fuck every time.
@serjj Usually 3-4 sets. Sometimes 5 on a burnout movement like kickbacks/ hamstring curls/leg extensions etc if I feel like I have some extra fuel in the tank
@jewlyen Thanks! And when you said training until almost failure with squats, do you mean almost failing the last rep of each set or just the last set?
@jewlyen How did you first learn how to do movements correctly and how to use equipment? Did you go to a trainer ever or just started showing up and figured it out?
@cje1991 Never went to a trainer but just a lotttttt of trial and error. I mean it when I say the entire first year was basically just me messing up and looking silly over and over again until I got decent enough at the basics that I could kinda get by. Squats especially did not come naturally to me, it took like 6 months of doing them 2-3x times a week to even learn how to be able to hit depth. So really no secret, just consistency!