M 33 6’4 (193) 210 (95.25) in the midst of a cut after bulking from 200-220 (oct-feb)


New member
So I hit a lean bulk in October, because I was just sick of people calling me skinny and it was winter, so why not.

It went really well, I kicked it up another gear with all the extra calories and rest. It did get fudged a bit since I’ve been studying now since December.

I went from 200 to 220 in five months. I’m trying to get back down to 200 by Wednesday next week. I’m currently at 208 feeling great.

Hitting 220 was crazy btw. I was soooo f’ing strong. PR’s in everything. Stacking all the machines lol. Felt great, but I did miss the cuts.

Would love to hear opinions on which look you like the best. I’d also love to hear if you have any lean bulking tips that worked for you.

Ty bb ✌🏼
@jord1999 Ok man. You and I have interacted here before. Heres an objective outside OPINION, which everyone knows are like assholes...lol

Fuck cutting. You went up 20 lbs, were hitting PRs and doing great. Looking at those two pictures objectively, you bearly gained any bodyfat. Definately gained lean mass. Go back and do EXACTLY what you were doing before when bulking. It was working beautifully. Do that for another 6 months or until your bodyfat percentage actually starts to really move.

I gotta level with ya, from an outsider's perspective, it looks like your body fat percentage barely changed. Yet you were 20 lbs heavier.

If you have an interest in actually gaining size, then go back to bulking exactly as you were doing before. If your personal goals are not in alignment with putting on that much size then it doesnt matter and I aint here to judge anyones personal goals.

Based on these pictures and your height, you could be at around 240 before I think you would "see" a significant difference in actual bodyfat percentage through pics. You would be hittin' it then and growing some substantial mass by moving more weight and hitting more PR's. You then cut from there and you will have put on a ton of lean mass...
@len1973 Lol, this was an awesome write up and I appreciate u taking the time to respond to my post. I’m sad I don’t recall our last reaction, hope it was a good one 💜.

Fuck cutting. You went up 20 lbs, were hitting PRs and doing great. Looking at those two pictures objectively, you bearly gained any bodyfat. Definately gained lean mass. Go back and do EXACTLY what you were doing before when bulking. It was working beautifully. Do that for another 6 months or until your bodyfat percentage actually starts to really move.

I will absolutely hit this bulk again in the future. I sadly have to be v lean for this photo shoot coming up. I also like the leanness for summer.

I gotta level with ya, from an outsider’s perspective, it looks like your body fat percentage barely changed. Yet you were 20 lbs heavier.

Hahaha I appreciate this, but I promise the bf% increase was there. And I felt it, physically and mentally.

Based on these pictures and your height, you could be at around 240 before I think you would “see” a significant difference in actual bodyfat percentage through pics. You would be hittin’ it then and growing some substantial mass by moving more weight and hitting more PR’s. You then cut from there and you will have put on a ton of lean mass…

Wow, I’d feel like a literal monster at 240. You’ve said some really kind and positive things here and it has really put a smile on my face. Thanks again for the encouragement and outside perspective! This was a pleasure to read through.
@jord1999 Last interaction was a good one. It was on a thread where everyone was freakin out over our lifting volume. Lol. Recognized the pic, thats why I took the time to respond.

Didnt know you have photos (assuming linked to career or personal, whatever...) coming up. Thats why I mentioned personal goals. Everyones goals are different and there aint a damn thing wrong with that. So I get the cut...

You might have been feeling it mentally, but physically you were still really low on the bodyfat scale.

I always tell people bulking correctly is harder than cutting. Done correctly it is really hard mentally, and a bit physically. Eating that much clean food for that long is grueling and becomes exhausting mentally. You feel bloated and its tough, but man you have a lot of potential to get eventually get a lot bigger judging by these pics if that is your goal. Top notch work and keep it up.
@len1973 This is bang on IMO...I would say stay on bulk for a year, at 6'4 with that platform of lean muscle I think he has a lot of room for lean growth.
@jord1999 it's tough man. Basically every single weekend for many weeks now it's a choice between "do I go on a fun date or hang out with my friends and set myself back in my diet from alcohol and food or do I sit home and do cardio on my stationary bike." It's a miserable choice. I hope I can just maintain for a while once I reach my goal weight because I want to still be able to enjoy my life and a large part of that is being able to drink and eat delicious food.
@jord1999 dude, who tf is calling you skinny? hahaha, you look build, especially for your height, ik from myself that you will always look smaller in shirts with that height, than a 170 guy with the same physics, but man, cant imagine you know so many (even one would be impressive tho) that can say that you look small (especially if you are natty)

oh and, I would say that the 20lbs look better on you when you want to achive the most massive physics possible (like other described)
@jord1999 Were that 265 lean? If yes, you must have been a monster, your current physics would be actually already a bit too much for me. (although it looks really good)
@jord1999 Ah ok hahaha, but damn, that reminds me that my max was 250 on 195, but nobody told me Im massive hahaha, my arms are just so massivly behind everything and my fat proportions are really not highlighting anything haahaha, I think the way for me is just shredding, currently on 211 with more muscles than on 250 and looking forward to go in a cut, hopefully that will workout and i wont look like a soletti with wings