May have to stop being a natty, testosterone finally checked and way low


New member
55M, 212lbs 5'10" tall, waist 36" and have been experiencing, in my own opinions, good muscle growth. However, I have to force myself (the results have helped maintain consistency) despite overall feeling of low energy anytime I'm not on a pre-workout supplement (which I cannot use more than once per day without impacting rest).

I'd never bothered getting my testosterone checked as I'd considered myself way too active for low levels. But perhaps there's much more than nutrition and daily exercise that weighs in on testosterone levels.

223 ng/dL is the result. Well outside the normal range.

Before I look at TRT and letting go of the "Natural" label, I wanted to check if others have experienced excellent increases in testosterone without having to use TRT and what was that method that brought success?

Also, help me to overcome the feeling of failure if I have to move to TRT to really resolve the low hormone levels. It's not just about strength but longevity for me. Grandkids will be coming in the next couple years and I want to ensure a strong grandpa for decades to come. Healthy levels of testosterone appears to be one of the metrics to ensure longer life.

UPDATE: Doctor is repeating the blood testing a couple weeks apart and then sending me to an endocrinologist.
@scott2511 I tested just after I turned 45. I had no symptoms of low T, but came back slightly low (290). I had done this through one of the big online TRT places where by all accounts they would happily prescribe it for me. I really wrestled with if I should do it or not but ultimately decided against it, because I had no symptoms.

Almost exactly a year later, I tested again and it was in the 400s. There were a few things over the course of that year I might be able to point to, but I'd say losing some weight was a big one. When I first got tested, I was probably somewhere between 225-230 pounds at 6'2". The second time I was 215. That entire year I trained pretty intensely also. I still have room to lose some more weight as I'm in the 205 range now.

I'd refer you to this Dr. Mike video about it:

Basically, he says that if you don't have symptoms, then it's not worth it. If it's a performance or muscle focused thing, just go full juice if you must.
@lanman87 Do have some symptoms. Don't have ED, but I've not been interested sexually for over a year. Pretty much only respond to spouses needs than being the initiator. Also as I'd mentioned, the feeling of a low tank. So it's not primarily to get jacked, happy where I'm at actually, but because a number of minor issues for me are clicking now that I know. Focus isn't the same I used to have and I'm also irritable a lot more.
@scott2511 Sounds like you have been cutting weight for a long time, which can cause these symptoms. How steep is your calorie deficit and do you ever take breaks?
@scott2511 It's all a matter of weighing the pros and the cons I think if you have some symptoms. It seems like most people are happy they did it, symptoms or not but you will see cases where people go off because it either doesn't work for them or there are side effects they can't accept (hair loss etc).

I spent a lot of time reading r/TRT when I was considering it.
@scott2511 did you have it rechecked?

i have my T checked annually as part of my physical. One year it came back with a number like yours, 200 something. The first thing they did was have me come back to have it checked again and the second time it was in my normal range. 42 y/o make for reference.

Anyways, not to be crude but this is my test i use for whether or not guys should really consider TRT: Does your ding dong still work?
@mbennett024 Works, but no interest. Spouse is now the only initiator. I can sustain wood but would be in a celibate state if spouse had no interest either. It's not that she's not attractive to me, just no interest but recognize her emotional need and respond to that to keep our marriage going.

The low energy, the trouble loosing weight during a cutting phase and general "blah" makes me feel like a possible candidate.
@scott2511 Dude, as long as you're not giving yourself super human levels of T, don't even sweat the "natty" label or whatever. Stick to physiological levels and enjoy feeling like your old self again.
@elisaaa I agree that he shouldn't sweat the natty label, but injecting physiological levels of T still has benefits over producing your own from a muscle building perspective. It provides a much more even level of testosterone throughout the day, whereas naturally, you may see your peak level for a couple hours in the morning, and then the rest of the day is much lower.
@zenvn While technically correct, I think we'd agree that it hardly matters in the grand scheme of things. Let my guy feel good again without nitpicking the labels he needs to slap on his health.
@scott2511 I’m 51 and had a T level of 198 last year. Didn’t even hesitate to get on TRT and I’m glad I did it. Gym results have been great and I’ve seen no downside whatsoever. Last blood work showed me at 1100 5 days after my last injection. Doing 150mg weekly. Well worth it, IMO.
@scott2511 I hate that marketing has pushed this insecurity into the general consciousness of men. Jumping on test is obviously going to emphasize the associated effects. Not having the testosterone levels of a fit 20 year old is not a medical condition or a bad thing. You’re going off this slim concept of how a man “should” feel at every given moment, but that’s not based in reality. To me, it feels akin to maintaining a baseline threshold of ecstasy because you feel down sometimes. You’re honing in on a simple solution for a complicated reality, and you’re going to be permanently tied to it once that’s solidified as what’s normal.
@unbridledwild Agree 100%. The industry is not trying to make men healthier, it’s trying to sell a product and insecurity is a foundational element of their marketing.

Nobody reviews data to see what a “normal range” actually is or what side effects are, they just get their results (surprise! Low T) and the ball is rolling from there
@unbridledwild Are you saying that if you had a bioidentical compound you could take once or twice a week that would boost recovery, maintain muscle mass later in life, libido, physical performance, help with depression and mental clarity, that you wouldn't take it?

You would rather just feel worse for the sake of feeling worse?

If you are done having kids and you have symptoms of low levels, why not go on it?