@gracesophia11 Honestly man you seem waaaay to into the weeds. I have been there. It seems like you made it really far on extreme protocols but those protocols aren’t what get you to “natural bodybuilding “ lean levels.
If you don’t mind me asking. Who do you follow for information? From what I can tell you have gone down some dark holes of the nutrition internet.
Successful natural body builders don’t do 8 day water fasts. Or think they aren’t making progress cause of the protein powder quality.
You are so far gone I feel like you need a foundational level of education on how this shit works.
I’d recommend getting your information from:
Eric Helms
Greg Knuckols
Mike Isratel
Menno Henselmans
Eric Trexler
MASS research review
Revive Stronger
James Krieger
Read Eric helms muscle and strength pyramid books. Specially the nutrition one.
If you still want to be leaner you need to get your diet in check. I don’t recommend snacks while dieting.
Since you are doing If I would have 3 maybe 4 meals across your feeding window. If you wanna calorie cycle. Try setting it up so more calories come after your workout. I normally like to make sure my post workout meal is about twice as much as my preworkout.
THe protein powder and instant oatmeal isn’t doing shit for satiety.
An example of this in action. 2500 calories per day. Might look like:
Pre workout 500 calories, 50 grams of protein
Post workout #1 1,000 calories. 80g of protein.
Post workout #2 1,000 calories 80g of protein.
That’s a lot of food if you make the right food choices
My recommendation for food would be something like:
Pre-workout- 450grams of skyr, 200g of diced apples, sweetener, cinnamon, half a serving of almonds or granola (the almonds and granola are caloric and not very satiating but add some good flavor
Post workout- 2 chicken breasts, 400 grams of broccoli, avocado, maybe even more vegetables. Vegetables give you sooooo much food for the calories.
Post workout 2 - have your protein fluff, cottage cheese with strawberries and sweetener. Etc.
Your food choices are what makes it hard to stick to the diet. You need to enjoy what your eating man.