More reps with lower weight, or less reps with higher weight?


New member
In todays WOD I did the "RX" (prescribed) weight for Power Snatch and Overhead Squats. I did it slower than others, but completed. The coach says I should do less weight and more reps.

I would say my form would be rated a C. I certainly want to better my form, but I also like throwing weight around. My goal is to build muscle mass rather than endurance.

Any who, age old question. Less with more, or more with less?
@ladyblue1 Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. You admit your form needs work, and your coach gave you clear instructions. Why would you not listen? Why are you asking strangers on the internet who have never seen you move instead of listening to your coach who you are paying, has seen you move, and given you feedback on it.

Strength is built through work and process, not just lifting heavy because you want to. Check your ego at the door.
@ladyblue1 There are two factors when loading in a met-con:
  1. Are you consistently demonstrating sound mechanics, regardless of loading?
    1. Make sure you move well before adding intensity, work at the threshold that suits your movement quality.
  2. Are you moving in a manner that meets the intended stimulus of the workout?
    1. If its FRAN (21-15-9 Thruster + Pull-UP) are you going unbroken on the Thruster?
Honestly: It sounds like you missed both the mechanics (self-prescribed C grade) and the stimulus (slower then the others). It sounds like the coach should have stopped your workout and stripped some weight off of your bar. Better yet: There should have been enough warm-up and build up time to for the coach to personally prescribe you a weight for the day.
@sharzid Shout out to this answer.

Cardio-based wods are for cardio, they will not help you build strength or muscle. Scale so you can keep moving and get the prescribed stimulus

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