Muscle knots and tightness

@rextor432 I appreciate the detailed reply. This sub is awesome!

I know my posture is bad, I fixed by wrist issues by using negative tent keyboard that helps alot. I have a standing desk at home with monitor on arm to set the high correctly. I try to stand few mins a day but not consistantly. I have very good HM Mirra chair but arm rest do not go down enough for me, so I have to conciously tell myself to not use them, I need to look for another chair.

For two months I went to chiro for adjustment and posture correct, unround my shoulder and forward head position. I had weekly physio tape put to help correct sholders, plus execercises for shoulders and stretches for neck. I also had tight IT band on left leg, which I feel has been corrected since I haven't had issue in 4 months plus that 15min mobility by Tom really works on it.

For sleep, I fall asleep on side but end up on stomach. I can't sleep on back, I've tried many times. I didn't know about wobble cushion, seems cheap enough to try to see if it helps. I just got the Amazon Halo as well and past 3 day nights my score has been low 60s which means even with 7 hours in bed my sleep quality isn't best.

Thanks for the rouded shoulder video, will try it. Looks like AthleneX has a version as well:

Ah I didn't know Tom Merrick had shoulder only verion, will def try it out:

I agree message isn't the fix, thus my reason to ask.
@thornbreaker Using a wobble cushion has been a game changer for me. But I have a long torso so mileage may vary. I bought the Tumaz wobble cushion, I think the shape and size is great for sitting on, not so much for working out with (if you get this one no need to fully inflate, it needs some flexibility to sit on comfortably). I couldnt sleep on my back bc my lower back would hurt and Id have restless legs, this could help with that if youre experiencing the same problems. I also had trouble sleeping on my back and used to be a side sleeper and wake up sleeping on my stomach. Im having trouble finding a good pillow though but am looking into getting an ultra thin pillow for back sleepers. Regardless, wobble cushions are extremely good for your lower spine, and could help posture throughout your entire back.

Simple seated wobble cushion exercise for spinal hygiene-

For keyboard, microsoft sculpt was always the best for me, i used to program so had to do a lot of typing. For mouse an Anker ergo mouse did the trick.

Heres a good neck mobility exercise from Mark Wildman -

I think you can fix this issue on your own if you fix your posture and sleeping habits and add in some mobility/stretching exercises along with myofascial release with a lacrosse ball. Pro tip, getting under the arm pits to get at the lats is a spot people often miss. Extremely painful but worth it to fix a lot of problems in the shoulders. Just lift your arm up and lean against a wall and go to town. Another good way to get to that area is with a stick described here

Glad you found my post helpful, I hope you find a solution soon!
@thornbreaker I've always noticed an adaptation period when going to a heavier bell or significant volume increase. Usually in the ribs or upper back area. If you stay with your current weight, you'll adapt. But 10 minutes of stretching before bed and sometimes the morning, focusing on spine, hamstrings, hips, upper back, and twists has done wonders.
@thornbreaker I have a lot of the same issues and have found a major source of the knots to be a surprise and a common problem: Binocular Vision Disorder.

Not all eye doctors check for it, so you could be experiencing it and not know. I can’t go into details right now, but I can post more about it later if you like.


  1. Turns out I was actually pressing double 18kg instead 16kg. I went back to reset my adjustable kettlebell for S&S session at 30kg and realized I had mistakly put 18kg instead of 16kg. This explains why I was so sore/locked, I jumped up on weights too quickly.
  2. I went down to double 14kg to ease into DFW (reverse ladder of 4), and my left should gives up much quicker than right. This tells me I'm not even ready for 16kg doubles. I'll stick to 14kg or even go down to 12kg and make sure its solid. Since then I didn't have major muscle knots.
  3. I will post videos for feedback soon, to make sure my form is good.
  4. My mobility/stretch route was too basic. After doing Tom Merreck's 15 shoulder routine, I found my chest and biceps were super tight. This cause tightness in my scalenes and other neck mucles. After loosening my biceps my neck felt much better. I think yoga will def help as well, I'll start with mobility then do yoga.
  5. I got 5lb club, so I'll learn some warm up with it for shoulders.
  6. Continue to work on posture, thanks to different youtube videos. I need to set them on a schedule and do them regularly. I order wobble cushion for posture and soft balls for messaging. I can prob look up sport take as well that I got from chiro place.
Thank you everyone for all the help.
@thornbreaker Are you sure about your form?

At lower weights/volume it’s less obvious how it affects the body, but as you step up, your body will let you know if things are even a little off.

Have you considered working with a coach to dial in your form?
@samia786 I went pretty slow with S&S so I think swing & TGU is ok. C&P is only recently started (2 months) so its possible its not correct, and likely attacking small muscles I've possibly never worked out before.

With the current situation I was hesitant to get an in person coach, but I was just looking at going to a proper KB club:

Now I need to convince my wife that I need to see a coach.
@thornbreaker Good to hear you went slow, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your form is appropriate.

And it’s one of the most effective things to address so you don’t have to spend time/money/effort re-correcting your work.

But it’s just my 2 cents.

If a coach isn’t on the cards in the next little while, post a form video to the group and see if anyone can spot anything for you.

PS. Kettlebility has some very qualified people, good choice.
@thornbreaker Seems like a posture problem that is reinforced by your training.
You have a sedentary job so your posture is bad. You train with bad posture and the cycle keeps going.

To change your posture you'll have to change what causes your bad habits the most and that is for sure sitting for hours.
If you work on a computer, get a standing desk. That will change everything.

No chiropractic/stretching routine will change your problem unless you address that first.

I have been there, huge gamer in my childhood + some life accident made my posture absolutely horrific. I did it like this + some other stuff that you will need later.
@ioannes I've had standing desk for years now, both at home and office, ergo keyboard, monitor on arm at right height. At work ad prof ergo consult as well.

I am in processess of correcting my shoulder posture, but I was trying ask do other folks who through these strength programs also get similar pains, and how they deal with it.

Also gamer as kid, alway had sedatary job, on and off working out since graduating collage but my knots were never this bad. Soreness yes, but not locked muscles for days. Then again I've never been stronger in my life with S&S, so its likely same old issue is just worse.

In addition to posture issue, I'm def missing some stretches. I've been doing the 15 min beginner workout but last night I tried the shoulder one
and OMG I didn't realize how tight my biceps and chest was. I already feel better today. i.e. I need to do posture correction and stretches and messages and workout in parallel.