Musings my s/o overheard from a trainer

@dawn16 same, oh my god. It was fun having E cups for a while but now that they're drooping they're drooping /fast/, so the best i can hope for is that if I don't lose fat from there maybe building pecs will at least perk them back up a bit :(

Man, now I'm bumming myself out about how nice my boobs used to look.
@laurawheeler Do powerlifting style heavy bench presses with an arched back, retracted shoulder blades, and tucked elbows to build the pec under the breast to support and pick it up.
@dawn16 A-cup here. My boobs have become a much nicer shape since building the pectorals underneath. Still an A-cup but they look much better naked.
@freezer1002 I don't expect this to go down well, but oh well.

You say "misogynist". How do you know he's not just a misinformed idiot?

Questioning the narrative? That's a downvote.
@ryanc111 I guess I don't know anything about this guy, including his views on women. I just interpreted the story as he assumed the woman would want to keep her boobs, since that's what he values in a woman. Obviously it's a jump in logic, and I meant it as a somewhat light hearted comment. I don't mean to offend anyone!
@freezer1002 Awww, look at that, admitting it was a jump in logic +4, the person making excuses and outright stating that they don't have the information but they're okay with crying wolf anyway? almost +100.

And for asking a basic question that DARED to question the "omg everything is misogyny" crying wolf narrative? -20. Gee, why don't people take sexism seriously, it's sooooo hard to figure out.
@ryanc111 Because... even if he truly believes that this , uh, phenomenon, occurred - that bench presses shrunk boobs - why does he think it's so important to preserve them?? Why the hell is he so concerned about some random girls body... more specifically her boobs? And why does he believe that it is within the rights of an acquaintance to police her workout and indirectly her appearance? To insist she should never do some thing because it might make her look some way... And being that breasts are so sexualized ... I mean, it's almost like he's insisting that this woman he doesn't even know should adhere to what he believes is sexually attractive... that her own goals and desires and maybe just muscular balance, should come second to whether or not she is sexually appealing to him or men in general?

Get where I'm going...?

I mean, i'm not sure if I'de go as far too say it's "women-hating," but it definitely is gross on some level. It's gross because he's acting like what's "right" for a woman to do should be based on what men like him find attractive.
why does he think it's so important to preserve them??

You don't know, do you? You ASSUME there is no reason, and are willing to make that assumption because it supports your narrative. Maybe the guy had said something. You don't know. For all you know those people that CONSTANTLY INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER might have talked before.

Maybe he just likes boobs, is liking big boobs automatically misogyny now? Am I a misogynist because I prefer small boobs?

So what you've shown is, you have no actual evidence that this was a misogynistic comment and not just a stupid one.

And because people get uncomfortable when they realize they rallied around crying wolf, I get downvotes by the dozens for daring to ask, and people openly admitting you don't have the evidence get upvotes for defending it. You are why crys of "sexism" and "misogyny" are so easily ignored. Fuck your biases. Fuck all the groups like this that circle the wagons rather than go "yea, that was unnecessary." You are why things are so hard to change. PS, assuming he's sexist based on one comment out of context that could have context that makes it reasonable? Kinda sexist. You know damn well if a woman had been uninformed and said they same thing you wouldn't' be crying "internalized misogyny." It's his sex that makes the difference. Ahhh the irony of sexists calling sexism. (I know, I know. It doesn't count. you're not sexist, only men can be, right?)
@ryanc111 I get what you mean but I think he's a misogynist for assuming all girls value and want to keep their boobs most likely because that's what he wants for girls. Obviously the conversation was out of context so I'm not sure that was his intention.
@prinkills9 And you ASSUME he didn't know she already wanted that, that they'd alreadty discussed it.

The downvoted and explanations have shown what I thought. You've decided it's better to make misogynist a meaningless phrase and remove its power than have it actually mean something, and be more useful for fighting ACTUAL misogyny.

The conversation was out of context, people lack huge amounts of information, but because they don't like a asingle thing he said they're willing to say he must hate women. "Wolf, WOLF! THERE'S A WOLF!" is about all I hear at this point.

-19 for pointing out there isn't actually evidence of the claim.
@ryanc111 Wait where did I assume anything? I was just stating why the comment above called him that name. I didn't call him that name nor do I know for fact he is. In fact I said I didn't. I posted this more for the funniness of the wrong information being spread. Not to man-hate.