Musings my s/o overheard from a trainer

@dawn16 Maybe the guy had said he liked his girls big boobs. Maybe she had said it to him previously.

So basically, because you dislike him yuo're willing to instantly label him misogynist without actually having the information, AND bonus points for downvotes by the dozens for daring to ask.

I wonder how many people downvoting me and giving weak ass excuses that show you had to make tons of assumptions to make that claim will piss and moan when they're ignored when they keep crying wolf "misogyny!!! omg, he said something I don't approve of so automatically he hates all women! MISOGYNY WHY WON'T ANYONE LISTEN!?!?!?!?"
@dawn16 The point is, I got downvoted to shit for asking, but when you restate the exact same issues I was implying with my post, you get massive upvotes, because you're doing it in the context of defending crying wolf, and I'm doing it in the context of "crying wolf is bad."

The point is to show how the community will circle the wagons to defend it, even while admitting it was a bullshit move.

But hey, I knew if I pointed out it was crying wolf in "xx" I'd get people defending it and downvoting me for questioning the narrative. Another shithole circle jerk that puts not questioning the narrative ahead of advancing the fight against sexism. Hooray being counter productive!