My ab journey (with pictures)


New member
Hi everyone,

I've been lurking this subreddit for a while and thought I'd share my ab/fitness journey in the past 2 months. For the most part, I wasn't active until I travelled to Asia for 2 weeks in early May, and returned losing 5 lb! Currently, I work in an office setting so I was used to walking only 4000-5000 steps a day. When I went to Asia, I walked anywhere from 18,000-30,000 steps a day (15-20 km) and burned way more than what I ate on that trip. Afterwards, I decided to commit to the gym 4x a week and hike once a weekend. Also, I fast and eat between 11 am - 7 pm (sometimes I cheat) and try to eat around 1200-1500 calories a day. Then, I was able to lose an additional 3-5 lb :)

Here are my stats

Height: 5'1"

BW: 117 lb
CW: 106-108 lb (fluctuates a lot) (showing off my new tat lol) &
After every workout, I dedicate 15-20 minutes to abs and noticed it's slowly gotten defined. Here's my routine:

10 x hanging leg raise on captain's chair (try not to swing legs up!)

20 x per side bicycles (controlled and steady)

20 x per side Russian twists w/ 10 lb medicine ball

15 x crunches (exhale through your mouth after every crunch up to really feel it in the abs)

15 x leg raises (controlled and steady & try to keep lower back on the floor)

1 - 1.30 min plank (exact same form as in this video - be warned, it's killer)


If I'm running short on time, I usually just do fewer reps of the first few moves. If you guys have any questions or suggestions for other ab workouts, feel free to shoot me a message!
@sinbad2014 Yay! Great work and great post! Leg raises gave me abs and I love doing them! I don’t have access to a captain chair (never know the name before) so now I’m doing planks and hate them, but I need to keep my core strong because I have have herniated discs and they act up as soon as I’m lazy.
@joeysoley If your gym doesn't have a captain's chair, you can just do the hanging leg raise off the top bar (using your arms to support yourself, rather than have a seat) since it's far more effective. I have a hard time doing a hanging leg raise without the chair :( of all my moves, I recommend planks the most! I used to barely do a minute with an incorrect form, and now I can do 90 seconds with the right form!
@sinbad2014 You look awesome. I’d mix up the abs routine from time to time if you’re getting bored and not feeling sore. Favorite ab exercise = dead bugs. Make sure you are not arching your back and don’t be fooled by how foolish and easy the exercise looks.
@imingtown Yay! I found it so hard to cut out white rice and excessive carbs out of my diet but it's been a lot easier. Now I know why everyone in Asia is so skinny, they walk everywhere LOL! Let me know if you have any questions :)
@sinbad2014 Hahaha yes you’re absolutely right! I just love my noodles! And honestly if you live in a city like Singapore, it’s difficult to walk everywhere cause transport is so efficient and convenient. I’ve seen in the comments that you do glutes/hamstring and bicep/back aside from abs, do you mind sharing your workout routine? Thanks a bunch!
@sinbad2014 Hey we’re the same height! I also go to the gym 5x a week, 2 days weights, 3 days running as I’m prepping for a half marathon. I aso do hikes on weekend. I hate doing any ab workout but you really inspired me to do them! Keep going!
@dsnjordan Oh wow, you go way more than me! I won't be able to run a half marathon haha but once you start incorporating ab workouts, you'll love the burn! Maybe start with abs at the beginning of your session so you have all the energy and can get it done right away!

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