My box is setting up an “800 g Challenge”. Any anecdotes about participating or info about effects?

@little_sparrow Thanks for the report. I agree that the guidance is straightforward (and appreciate the emphasis that processed/fried foods don't count.) I"m curious whether you have noticed any health of performance benefits?
@starrysunsets Hi fam!

800g challenge is super healthy and great when done with some variety rule (8 different foods at 25-50g minimal portion sizes).

Objectively, I liked the challenge for making people buy a scale for the first time. I also liked it for pointing out the weekend-slackers. And any diet tracking app and accountability is great. This for requires all of that to come together.

Subjectively, I liked the challenge because:
1. It made my attempts at going vegan a success with my wife.
2. The challenge is a breeze with a GOOD blender (Vitamix ftw).
3. I learned how much more about my macros.

It's been 2 months now, and we've only missed a couple days. I have all of my stuff in a text file if it would help you. DM me if you would like.
@diggitle Thanks for the report. Getting people to be genuinely mindful and accountable (scale, tracking, macro awareness) about their nutrition is a good thing, no doubt.

Have you and your wife noticed any health or performance benefits from making this change?
@starrysunsets Yeah, for the first time in her adult life, she felt comfortable going to work without makeup. Our energy levels are also the highest we have had them from just diet.

But I'm weary of saying this stuff since we did it so differently than others. A lot of the other gym struggled when a part of the competition requested 50g leafy greens as the daily challenge for a week. But her and I needed through, because we have 100g spinache/kale mix in our smoothies and salads EVERYDAY. That's at least 200g of greens without even trying.

So, without knowing what everyone else did and reflecting on it from this PoV... Some people might go the potatoes, apples, banana route and miss a truly cool portion of this diet.

I'll DM you my month in full. And I would suggest more red lentils for dinner :p
@starrysunsets I work with nutritionist, and my plan is around 800 gr of fruits and veggies per day. If I were just given this challenge, I would go for 800gr of fruits and 0 veggies, and that can't be good. Also, I feel like it would be my "normal diet" + 800 gr of fruits per day on top of that. I strongly believe that there are people like me, and I would go full fruitarian easy, if it were beneficial to my lifestyle. So, my diet should be balanced, written down and planned.

But if you can brace yourself and do the right thing - nothing wrong with the number as far as I can tell.
@starrysunsets That is like apple (350grams) and orange(150 grams) + vegetables( 300grams) with diner.. Seems i do that most days without trying. I expect most healthy people to do the same, regardless of challenge.
@starrysunsets I would caution anyone against randomly throwing in 3x or 4x the veggies and fruits into your diet. there can be significant inflammatory and digestive consequences. there is a reason that so many thrive on a carnivore diet. even folks like dr. steve gundry who support eating a lot of veggies (even condones a vegan diet) make it very clear that veggie/fruit does not automatically equal healthy. 800 gr of fruit can raise your sugar intake above what most of us would be comfortable with.