My extremely weird workout split that worked wonders for me


New member
Same exercises on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday in order. It’s extremely unconventional and I’ve only ever met one other person that does something similar. Whenever I talk about it, people try and tell me that it’s bad or I’ll get injured. I’ve been doing this for 3 years now, and I went from 170lbs at 6’3” to 215lbs, and that’s the weight I’m maintaining. I feel amazing, confident, I’ve never been healthier, and I’ve never been close to injured. This is my split I do every workout day in order:
Each of these has one warm up set of 10-15 with light weight to help set me up

-Barbell Squats (4 sets) 315lbs, 10 reps per set

-Incline bench (4 sets) 225lbs, 10 reps per set

-Weighted dips (4 sets) 50lb dumbbell, 10 reps

-Flat bench (4 sets) 275lbs, 10 reps

-Dumbbell Shoulder Press (4 sets) 70lbs each dumbbell for 10 reps

-Romanian Deadlifts (4 sets) 275lbs for 6-8 reps per set

-Pull-ups (4 sets) no weight, just clean pull-ups for 10 reps

-Rack pulls (4 sets) 405lbs, 6-8 reps with a 5 second hold at the top of the last rep of each set

-Dumbbell Rows (4 sets each arm) 110lb Dumbbell for 10 reps

-Curls with Dumbbells (4 sets) lbs dumbbells, 10 reps each arm

-Tricep Pushdowns (4 sets) 150lbs total 10 reps

-Ab roller (5 sets) 15-20 reps from standing position

I know my stats aren’t super crazy, but I’m in great shape and each workout is intense as hell. My life is completely different than it was a few years ago. Anyway tell me your thoughts and how crazy or not crazy I am. Cheers

Edit: I understand it’s not a split. My bad. Carry on.
@confusedgirl98 By eating a lot and being young. I’m also self employed so I always get enough sleep regardless, and I can really focus on eating enough and drinking enough water. I could never do this if I worked a 9-5 with a commute

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