First time going to gym as an extremely skinny guy

@mphsmom Dude I ain’t being rude but you need to eat more protein or fat something more carbs gain some weight you are 6’0 and 119 that is unhealthy BMI you should be like at least 130-140 focus on nutrition then getting gains need the proper fuel to burn I have a similar issue being that I have a super fast metabolism I’m 5’9 and 130 but dropped down to 112 when I wasn’t eating enough nutrient dense foods I was feeling bad until I started eating more fats like beef and avocado lots of eggs, no junk foods or sugar substitute the junk when you get a craving with a shot of like natural maple syrup or a spoon of raw honey. Will also help you keep weight
@mphsmom Hello fellow skinny guy that started going to the gym in his early 20s. Your firsts days will probably be spent just exploring the place and trying out some of the equipment.

The social rules are mostly the same at every gym. The biggest rule to follow is to not bother other people and the second most important rule is to put whatever equipment you used back where it belongs.

Some rules that can differ. In some gyms one is expected to bring a towel and use that to sit or lean on when using equipment. I have never seen this in my country. Here we just wipe the equipment down with spray bottle and paper towels or not att all.

Some fitness youtube channels I can recommend is Buff Dudes, Alan Thrall, Jeff Nippard, Back Guy, Renaissance Periodization and many more this video series by Buff Dudes is educational in a fun way.

this video by Alan Thrall is very educational, with some humor thrown in. this is a great program for a beginner. Also available on the free app Boostcamp.
@dch Thank u so much!!! Do u have any idea abt how i could make a workout program to follow since it’s better to follow a schedule than to just go not knowing what u will work on
@mphsmom Get Boostcamp, there are tons of great program on there for free. The programs are also quite popular so you can find plenty of videos about them. I would recommend the beginner program from the wiki