Nerd Math - the Mark of the Wildman (The 'Missing Playlist' for Mark Wildman's "Nerd Math" Kettlebell Programming)

There’s a lot more weird stuff

I’d probably prefer a good number of resources over him though.

Worth some posts?

Programming aside, the things I really appreciate about MWs stuff are the:
1) the movement progressions
2) the emphasis on similar movement patterns with different implements (&/bodyweight)

AFAIK noone else has set out as much of this (for free)?
@fbgah You mean I make the posts, or I make a post of the resources that I prefer?

I’ve got my own ideas that’ve worked pretty well but almost everything I do is based on Tactical Barbell, Bromley’s stuff & my prior CrossFit experience.

But yeah, base & peak strength by Bromley, Joe Daniel’s, Hardstyle Kettlebell challenge, denis Vasilev’s book. Pretty good stuff to consume. Wildman’s progression are fine but step loading is very simple & there are more levers you can pull than just how many reps you do.
You mean I make the posts, or I make a post of the resources that I prefer?

Whichever you have time for/ think people would appreciate...

(One thing I'd be interested in a 'Tactical Kettlebell' or 'Tactical Dumbbell' approach!)

Wildman’s progression are fine but step loading is very simple & there are more levers you can pull than just how many reps you do.

I meant his movement progressions rather than extra sets/reps (eg see his "Order or Operations" &/ "Discobolus of Myron" (sp) videos); added that in above for clarity.
@ant0099 I agree with your observations. I do love his time under tension approach with mace, and I enjoy his club tutorials. He got me into KBs, but then I found Dan John and it was game over.
@faithinmet I can't speak for others, but there is a certain smugness that irritates me, and he takes forever to explain anything. I tried watching his stuff when I first started with Kettlebells, but couldn't make it through his videos. He might have excellent advice (I really don't know either way), but his delivery really turned me off.
@ashvinne I think it's partly because he's explained the same (or very similar) things so many times. On the + side, his explanations are clear. (But they're also quite repetitive.)