New lifter, need routine feedback


New member
Hi! I have now been working out for about 9 months, I'm pretty happy with my current routine but would like some feedback to see if I should do some changes and if there is something super bad with it.

So I have the following schedule

M, T, W, T, F, S, S

week one: A, C, B, C, A, cardio, cardio

week two: B, C, A, C, B, cardio, cardio

Workout A :


Squats 8x4

Overhead press 8x4 and seated row 10x4 (superset)

Hip abductors 15x4


Workout B:


Deadlift 5x4

Benchpress 8x4 and 1-arm pulldown 10x4 (superset)

pulldown/pullup 8x4 (climber hence the focus on horizontal pull)


Workout C:


Calve Raises 12x4 and Farmers walk 8x4 (superset)

Lat raises 15x4 and Abdominal crunch 10x4 (superset)

Leg extension 8x4 and Leg curl 8x4 (superset)


thanks for any help
@raine93 What is the point of the routine? It's really different than anything else I've seem, specially the division between A, B and C (both the days you work out and how you divide muscle groups).
@dawn16 My main purpose is to have a well-rounded routine that I do every day, I don't want to focus on any specific muscle group but a overall body composition strengthening if that makes sense. The idea is that C is more of a leg and core day, and used to be somewhat of a rest day between A and B days which should be something of a full-body workout.
@raine93 Understood. I believe having a more focused routine is usually more effective for getting stronger and getting more muscle (an upper and a lowe body day for instance). Other than that, I think you would benefit from adding dips to you routine. Don't think bench press 1.5 times/week is enough for chest/triceps.
Also, maybe sometimes do reverse flies instead of lateral raises. You are not doing much posterior delt work. When you focus on bigger moves, like your routine, rows usually take care of that, but as you are favouring pull ups and pull downs, it might be good to add something else.
@dawn16 Ah thats super good, thanks a lot! I have looked at some reverse flies before but never knew where to put them (I do my workouts before work so a bit of limited time).
@raine93 Superseting opposing muscles is a smart idea than. Maybe you could do a bit less cardio? Don't think it's necessary to do it twice, unless cardio conditioning is your main go. (I usually only do it twice a week, but I have some knee issues, will probably do more as I deal with them, was not doing any cardio in November)
@dawn16 I have thought of removing the cardio, at least the second one after the workout, the first one acts a bit like a warm-up, and I feel like I can push myself a bit harder when I have done some light cardio (maybe just placebo thou). But the second one I can definitely remove... maybe ad some sauna for some relaxation, sounds like a win-win.
@raine93 I usually warm up by doing the first exercise with low weights for 1 or 2 sets. For me it works better than light cardio. Sauna seems amazing. I wish the gyms I go had sauna.
@dawn16 Ah thanks, will add some dips for sure! did them a lot when climbing. I guess that overhead press isn't hitting my chest as much but isn't it okay for triceps?
@raine93 It does help with triceps, but is not a focused movement. (Neither is bench press, nor dips, depending on how you do them, but when you don't focus, it's good to do more work).