Not everybody will have a bubble butt. And that’s okay.


New member
I have to get this off my chest. I have a twin sister. I weigh about 130 and she is about 120. I’ve been lifting weights for about 7 years almost consistently and my sister has started in the gym for the past year and a half.

My sister has always had a pear shape, even when we were children she has always had a larger butt than me. I was always insecure about this, I was the thinner twin (even though I weighted more) and it didn’t make any sense that I wouldn’t have a large butt. My fat is stored in my stomach, my sisters goes to her lower half.

After years of squats, hip thrust, RDL, etc I’ve gotten a larger butt that sits high and firm. It looks great! But it’s nowhere compared to my sisters larger butt. And I’m finally okay with that. It’s taken years to accept that my frame is smaller. I have my mom’s genetics. We’re both shaped a little boxy, so I work lower body and upper body for the appearance of a pear shape.

My sister INSIST that I need to do more workouts to get a butt like her. I can squat, lunge, hip thrust, rdl, etc much heavier than her. I have visible abs, I run long distance. I don’t think it’s the workouts. I think it’s genetics. But she won’t listen to reason. I have a male friend that believes the same thing. I need to work harder and lift heavier and I can also have a BBL butt.

I think we all need to come to reality. Yes, exercise can build your glutes and your butt. Mine has gotten bigger and firmer. But not every body is built for a bbl butt. I will never look like a instagram model, not unless I buy it. Can we stop believing that you can get any body you see online just because you’re in the gym. Your natural bone structure is going to play a HUGE role in how you look.

End of rant.
@g3ntl3w4rri0r Im with you on that. Not everyone can have the same bone shape and fat distribution, it's okay. You just gotta deal with what you have and make the most out of it.
@neutral_i You have to work with what’s given to you. I don’t know if it’s because of social media, but the goal always seems to be on a bigger butt. And if you do these three exercises you’re guaranteed to have a large butt! If I was new to the gym with a goal of a bigger butt, I’d be discouraged due to lack of “progress”. Fat distribution, bone structure, and genetics plays a huge role in how you’re going to look. I feel bad for new ladies starting out. They may not have all the information needed and have unrealistic goals. There is a reason people buy their butts.
@g3ntl3w4rri0r Yes, it is because of social media and current beauty trends. It’s INSANE. And even if you could work a bit harder and obtain that butt, would it be worth what it takes to maintain it? People are making themselves unhappy to reach these goals and it hurts my soul.
@fluffpuffgerbil EXACTLY! Would it be worth what it takes to maintain it. The answer it NO. I do hip thrust and all the other workouts for a bigger butt. But I don’t enjoy the workout nearly as much as I enjoy a lunge or squat. I don’t want to make myself miserable for a look. I HATE RDLs. I’ll do it. But I hate it every time. If RDLs are the key to a bigger butt, then count me out 🤷🏽‍♀️
I don’t know if it’s because of social media, but the goal always seems to be on a bigger butt.

It wasn't always that way. I'm 58. In my younger days, having a small butt was all the rage. So my butt and your butt were perfectly in fashion.

My only complaint about my rear end is that it can hurt to sleep on my side, or to sit too long on a chair without padding. Because I have very little padding there.
@pandafan Same. I’m 46. Butts weren’t a thing until I was well into my 20s, and by then they were heavily fetishized. I avoided pants and jeans for years, simply because clothes companies didn’t make pants that fit hips and butt.
@pandafan Yep, having a big butt in the 90s was not fun. Heroin chic was in so I tried starving myself, hoping my butt would go away. Womens bodies as trends is BS. Be happy with who you are.
@pandafan I use to have the same issue with the padding! When I was at my smallest it was uncomfortable to sit on wooden seats. I haven’t thought about that in years. Maybe my butt is getting a little bigger 🤔
@sweetkf Yes! The goal shouldn’t be to look like a specific celebrity or instagram model. The goal should be health and to look like the best version of yourself. Comparison is the theift of joy
@g3ntl3w4rri0r I read not everyone will have bubble baths and thought you were complaining that your knees or boobs were never covered while in the tub and were coming to terms that no one makes deep enough tubs.

I was very confused how having a fit butt was causing this.

I now just want to say that you sound like you have an incredible form and are extremely capable and active. I think it's amazing that you are recognizing that your body and her body are different. Not everyone can get a Kardashian butt without plastic surgery(and doubtful they did). And I think healing your mental relationship with your body and learning to ignore people who are cruel or ignorant is a more sound investment.

You're awesome!