Not finding the classes provide enough volume

@zekori Same squat, 120 bench, haven't tested a 1rm deadlift in a long time but did 200 for 5 recently. No I use kilos not the double it to make yourself feel stronger weights
All my weights have gone up since I started, could they have gone up more if I wasn't probably but it's way more enjoyable and way better explosive wise
@boywonder23k Interesting. Nice numbers! Good to hear you haven’t lost strength. I liked the strength stuff but I was getting bored of it and also nice to compete with others. Also don’t want a sloppy rig which I was getting 😂😂
@zekori And your oly numbers?

I bench a little less than you, but squat about the same and deadlift about 230ish.. all maintained with just 4 to 6 times a week crossfit. If I want to bench more, I need to do it more. But its the least desired lift for me. Do it too much and your overhead mobility can suffer.
@angelicnessa Oh no where near that. Maybe 100 clean and 75 snatch. Got a ways to go with them but still fairly new to it and loving that stuff.

And yeah, 18 year old me loved a bench press a little too much…
@zekori I’d be surprised if you lose strength unless you have a crazy deadlift or something ha

If you’re really worried you could always spend 4 days doing classes a week, and then one day doing rugby specific training?

Tbf there is almost no lateral explosive movement trained in CF, as I found out when I went to play lacrosse the other week ha ha. I haven’t played in years and holy shit I was not conditioned for that
@zekori The things about ONLY doing a CrossfFit class is, you're right, it isn't enough volume. The CDC recommends ATLEAST 150 minutes of constant moderate activity per week. Cumulatively the entire week of WODs barely hits 60 minutes....sometimes it doesn't even hit that. If you add in all the oly lifting and strength, which isn't really "constant moderate activity" you MIGHT hit 120 minutes. Sure, the intensity is there, but you're still not hitting the minimum amount of activity recommended.

If you want to keep with the CF kind of modality, do something like Marcus Filly's Functional Bodybuilding either on it's own or in addition to the classes you're taking. He does a LOT of volume at times and focuses on what most people are truly after, the physique 1st and "fitness" second. You won't need to suffer through a crammed gym either as a reasonable bit of his stuff is with dumbbells and things where you won't need a lot of space, a barbell, or a rack. You definitely won't lose any strength with his programming either. But, it is an added expense.
@gutti If you read the definitions the average WOD far exceeds their standard for moderate activity which include, “walking fast, doing water aerobics, riding a bike on level ground or with few hills, playing doubles tennis, pushing a lawn mower”.

Hell, it exceeds the standard for intense activity by the CDC. You’re understanding the recommendations wrong.
@hephzibah7 My fiancé is a bariatric dietitian with her Master’s from Johns Hopkins…who also holds a bachelors in biology from Winthrop and another bachelors in nutrition from College of Charleston. Pretty sure I understand the recommendations correctly. Only doing high intensity is NOT a complete holistic view of health, not even cardiovascularly. You’re not even tapping into any of your other metabolic pathways. But ya know, drink the CF kool-aid if you want. But what do I know, I only have been training athletes for a decade, lol.

edit To clarify, the CDC recommendations are indeed relative. Being that the average American does infact get their HR up from simply walking or mowing the lawn, that IS moderate activity for an average American. One would assume that people could take that “moderate activity” into context (i.e. Zone 3+)… But here we are.
@zekori I don't think I've every done a crossfit class where it wasn't enough volume. (Week to week) that wasn't meant to be a recovery wod

If you are new it could be because you are not hitting a true percentage on your oly lifts (which is fine because technique comes miles before numbers). And then skills that you don't have under you.

You could always ask your coach if you could add a set or increase reps.
@firefighter My oly lifts are okay coz I’ve done them for quite a while now. I guess maybe I haven’t done it for long enough but I’ve spoken to friends who play rugby and do all the S&C like me and they say it can feel like it isn’t enough sometimes too
@zekori My gym does not charge me for “open gym”. So what I usually do is: train 1-2 muscles that are not used in the WOD before the WOD. Sometimes I do them after the WOD but it takes me a few min to catch breath. I prefer to do it before WOD as a warmup.
@zekori It depends on what your goals are, there are tons of programs that offer extra accessory, skills, or lifting work to compliment what you do in classes.

You have to remember what the goal of CrossFit is, it is meant to make you more balanced all around. Fitness is a compromise. To improve cardiovascular capacity, strength capacity almost always suffers and vice versa. Each domain extracts from another, so by design CrossFit makes you good at all but great at none.
@zekori What is your age? What program do y’all follow? What are your goals? Do the coaches allow you to scale to your ability and goals?

If you are still in your 20s, now is the time to keep building that lean muscle while your testosterone is still pumping away. But in order to maximize gains you must also maximize nutrition and sleep.

A good program is essential for this.
Lots of programs out there that incorporate a heavy lift, then a metcon then a skill. Mayhem, Brute, HWPO, Comp, and many others offer some great programming (I follow Mayhem as they offer a lot of options) Go hard but follow the process. When working a back squat 5x5 @80%. Get to you 80% quickly so you have time to perform all reps at 80, not build to 80 over two rounds. Need more challenge at 80%, SLOW DOWN. Add a 3-5 second decent, a 3 second pause at max depth and and explosion from the bottom. You will be begging to put the bar away and get to the metcon.

Make sure the coach knows your goals and can help scale up ir down to achieve those goals
@finallytrulyalive I’m 26. So really I’d still like to be putting on muscle. But I also want to be fit and have an engine.

Tbh I’m mainly doing CrossFit for the social side. I could go hop on a programme and work. But it’s quite lonely lol