Not sure whether to continue cutting, stay at maintenance, or eat at a surplus (progress photos)


New member
I got serious about getting fit and losing weight last year in September. I have been consistently lifting weights about 3-4 times/week, following a strength program, and tracking my macros (I don’t stick to it consistently, I’ll have a day or two of the week where I don’t track everything) so far, I have lost about 8 pounds (I went from 143-144 to my current 135-136) I recently reached a plateau where I haven’t been losing more weight.

My macros: P 110-120 F: 60 C:120-150

Here are my progress pics from September 2020 to April 2021

My goal is to look leaner and gain more muscle, but looking at my pictures I don’t really see much muscle definition but I do see fat loss. I’m still not sure about this whole cutting/bulking idea. Should I continue to eat in a deficit, maintain, or eat at a surplus to try to gain muscle ?
@imalamb A maintenance break for a couple of weeks to a month might benefit you mentally and energy-wise, but you will need to get back to cutting to see the muscle definition you're after. Great progress so far! You will start seeing a lot more muscle definition in the next ten pounds lost.
@imalamb I don’t have any advice but wanted to say you look amazing!! Your body is totally my goal. You look strong but still have curves. Great job!!
@imalamb Only 8 lbs? Really? Honestly it looks more like 15 - 20 IMO. One reason for that is, as you know, muscle weighs more than fat, so that you only lost 8 lbs but look like you lost more could very well be you are gaining muscle. It looks like more due to the thinner stomach and legs.

As for looking more muscular and toned, hard to say why you are not getting that because you didn't post your actual regimen. Maybe it's time to increase your weights? Try increasing each weight for each exercise you do by 5lbs. Okay to decrease the reps since you're increasing weights. See what that does?

Personally, I have never cut and bulked. I've just relied on consistency.
@imalamb You don’t have to change macros but you so have to increase weights to continue progressing although personally I think you look great and wouldn’t change anything
@imalamb I would go on maintenance for a good 8 to 12 weeks and slowly increase calories. The body can't sustain cutting for super long periods of time and it can take a toll on your metabolism. After a maintenance period you can cut again for 8 to 12 weeks and reveal muscle gained during maintenance :)
@imalamb Great progress!

Echoing what others are saying about going on a diet break and eating at maintenance. You’ve been in a deficit for a very long time.

How’s your energy? I ask because those carbs are low (they would be for me.)
@truckerdan Thank you!!

Tbh I feel great at the gym but I do have some days where I feel like I’m a little sluggish, after reading all the reply’s I think it’s time to up my carb intake to see how I feel and perform at the gym!
@therockker You lost 91 pounds (which is awesome btw), because you're in a calorie deficit.

There is zero evidence (unless you've found a study that has been peer reviewed that no one else has yet) that eating protein within a 30 min window does anything to your metabolism.
@therockker That's because getting the protein probably helped you gain muscle, and muscle cells consume more energy than fat. Metabolism per se is affected very little by diet, unless you are starving long term.
@imalamb Hey I’m in the same boat as you and even eating more or less the same macros.

I would keep cutting to 25% body fat if you don’t feel fatigued and your metabolism is still functioning fine. Then go on maintenance (for the summer) and bulk around autumn.

Edit: I stated a very unhealthy body fat % and don’t agree with that number. I had 16% in my head because I watch too many body building prep show videos.
@imalamb You look fantastic, but it takes years to gain muscle, especially if you're in a deficit. I would make sure you're on a legit program (check the FAQ/wiki) and eat at maintenance for a couple of months to really focus on fitness(gain) rather than weight(loss).