[NSV] I just ran a P.B. in my second ever Park Run


New member
OK, so my first one was a personal best too but this week was SO MUCH BETTER! I have literally just got in, haven't ever showered yet - just had to tell you all first :D

My first run was 29.23, 5.52/km average and two lap over 6 minutes per kilometre. (My first ever 5k, not a park run, was 33 minutes and change)

Today I ran 29.01 (soooo frigging close to under 29!!), 5.45/km average and every kilometre under 6 minutes - most around 5.50.

I am so excited now to go again and try and get it under 29 minutes! If you'd have told me a year ago that I would be running a 5km I would have laughed in your face. If you'd have said that I'd run the whole 5km without breaks at a decent pace then I would have died from lack of breathing. So I'm pretty happy with that :) Slightly annoyed that if I had pushed a little tiny bit harder it would have been under 29, but hey, there's my goal for next time!
Just go do it. Honestly theres heaps of people there, and plenty that jog slowly or walk and theres always a tail runner. It's not a big deal.