Nutrient intake


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25 y/o male 5’10 176lbs that takes a 5am HIIT workout class 2-3 times a week.

Have been working out on empty stomach (dinner previous night ~6:00-7:30 timeframe). Should I be eating before the 5am class? In a fasting state I am worried about the following things: not getting the most out of my workout because of carb deficiency (unintentional fasting state), is my body utilizing proteins (muscle) rather than lipids for energy that is stored as fat for these early morning workouts?

In plain terms, should I eat something before my 5am HIIT workout, or is okay that I am doing these on an empty stomach? If I should eat, what should it be? Carb/sugar or protein based? Or a combo like overnight oats w/ granola?

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