Opinion on my workout split (18M)


New member
I have been at the gym for about 7 months now and my chest/back/shoulders seem to be growing really well but on the flip side my arms haven't grown much at all. I was running a PPL split by Jeff Nippard but decided to program my own split this time. I had initially ran a bro split when I joined the gym and had made quite good progress on my arms too but after switching to a PPL my chest and back do seem to be responding more but my arm growth has stagnated significantly. I took inspiration from the bro split and a PPL and designed a 6 day split on my own and I would love to take advice/modifications/opinions from the community.

Monday: Push A

DB Incline Bench Press (Top set - 6 - 8 reps) followed by 2 sets of 10-12 reps.

DB Flat Bench Press (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Pec Deck (2 sets - 8 - 10 reps)

Lateral Raises (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Tricep Pushdowns (2 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Tuesday : Pull A

Lat Pulldowns (Top set - 6 - 8 reps) followed by 2 sets of 10-12 reps.

Cable Rows ( 3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Pull - Ups (3 sets - 6 - 8 reps)

Rear cable flies (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Wednesday : Arms

Cable Bicep Curls (3 sets - 8 - 10 reps)

Preacher Curls (3 sets - 8 - 10 reps)

Tricep Pushdowns (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Tricep Overhead Extensions (3 sets - 8 - 10 reps)

Forearm Cable Curl (3 sets - 12 - 15 reps) + Farmer walks

Thursday : Legs

Squats ( 3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Leg extensions ( 3 sets - 6 - 8 reps)

Hyperextensions (2 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Hamstring Curls (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Calf Raises (3 sets - 15 - 17 reps)

Friday : Push B

DB Incline Bench Press (Top set - 6 - 8 reps) followed by 2 sets of 10-12 reps.

DB Flat Bench Press (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

High to low Cable flies (2 sets - 8 - 10 reps)

Lateral Raises (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Saturday : Pull B

Lat Pulldowns (Top set - 6 - 8 reps) followed by 2 sets of 10-12 reps.

Cable Rows ( 3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Pull - Ups (3 sets - 6 - 8 reps)

Rear cable flies (3 sets - 10 - 12 reps)

Bicep Curls ( 3 sets - 8 - 10 reps)

Sunday - REST

Note : Legs have a lower frequency as I already have huge legs and I feel like I don't need to focus on them as much and they take quite long to recover.
@realitywild777 It's fine, but what changes have you made to the programs you were following? Why did you think you had to "design" your own program?
Why no barbell or dumbbell rows? Why no RDLs? What does progression look like on your program?

Also this

Note : Legs have a lower frequency as I already have huge legs and I feel like I don't need to focus on them as much and they take quite long to recover.

Is bullshit. Your legs will recover quicker the more consistently and frequently you work them, and working them is about more than just size.
@realitywild777 There is a lot of emphasis on the upper body here. Your legs could potentially lag behind. Large legs =/= strong legs always.

It also seems like this is some sort of bro split/PPL hybrid? Is there any reason in particular you decided to add a specific arm day rather than adding those to your push and pull days?
@realitywild777 You don't have huge legs after 7 months of training. You can however have fat legs.

As usual: if you are asking if your self-cooked program is good, the answer is always no.