Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

@sarham41 Abs:

S: Machine crunch

A: Ab wheel

B: Hanging leg raises

C: Some type of calisthenics progression like an L-sit or dragon flag

D: Strictly compound lifts

F: Some 10 minute abs workout you found on YouTube
@idontknowhatimdoing It's plausible, but unlikely ;)

I'm curious to see what common themes of S-tiers are.

There's so much information available out there; one site says, "do EXERCISE A for best results," then the next site says "If you EVER do EXERCISE A for ANY REASON, you are a goofie goober and are losing gains."
@sarham41 Alright, I'll give you ONE tip. But only because I got it off Jay Cutler, and he's telling everyone else anyway.

Wherever possible, use UNILATERAL exercises.

Most places you're using barbells, exchange for dumbbells. Barbells hide inequality in your arms and legs by allowing one to become dominant, but hiding that it's doing so. It also stops you using muscles to balance as much, which is an excellent thing to train for general muscle control.

Barbells also cause your muscles to strain in an unnatural direction as your hands try to push together or apart against the bar. This can often cause strains and tears in your muscles, which would not occur using dumbbells at all.

Places you should still use barbells include deadlift and any kind of cleans.
@sarham41 A few of my 'S- Tiers'

- Pendlay rows, great pump, fun, could do em for days.
- Cable Lat prayers, great lat stretch, awesome mmc, good pump, and barely any fatigue.

- cable high-low flies, insane pump, only need a few sets to get a crazy stim.
- dumbbell press, yeah I'm a bitch for not using a bb, but the dumbbells feel so damn good

- RDL, once I learn how to hip hinge, I literally just need one set and I'm sore for days, super fun and primal too.
- Lying ham Curl, specifically with the hammer strength machine, never vibed with seated, and the HS machine is built so well that I can smash out sets and get an awesome stim.

- V-Squat, I got shit knees, and this machine works with my long femurs and poor mobility super well.

- OHP, after skimping on them all of last year, coming back to them in the 6-10 range is giving me some great sfr.
- Single-Arm Cable laterals, better than DB, nuff said.

- calf extension, something about the hinge hips gives me an insane calf stretch that I only need 2-3 sets to get crazy sore. Happily repping sets of 20 with a 100kg here.

- ez bar curl, basic, awesome

- overhead cable, great stretch, awesome pump.
@sarham41 Back & Bis workout (including traps)


S: 1 arm Dumbbell rows

S: Lat pulldown (wide grip)

S: barbell row (with the little V handle thing for
cable rows wrapped around the barbell)

B: Cable row

B: pin-loaded machine row

(Deadlift, rack pulls S+ but I have a lower back injury from work)


B: fixed barbell curl

A: Zottman curl

S: 1 arm slow and controlled dumbbell preacher curls

A: Close Grip cable pulldowns, focusing on using Biceps. (use this at the end of bicep workout. So when your biceps are fatigued, you can engage lats to help a little bit but still hit biceps very effectively)


S: Dumbbell shrugs

A: chest press shrugs. (free weight equipment. not the actual bench or pin loaded machine) knees on bench and doing shrugs, not the intended use of machine but it is very good IMO

Edit: format
@sarham41 I've found altering technique made a lot of difference for specific exercises: like leaning a bit on lateral raises or doing dumbbell curls seated really changed how well I felt them. So the following is really only an expression of what I feel are the best exercises for me right now:

Chest: Incline DB Bench, flat DB Flye

Back: Ring Pull Up, Meadows Row

Triceps: 1-arm DB Triceps Extension, Ez-Bar Skullovers

Biceps: Bench curls (elbow on flat bench), barbell curls

Front delts: Behind the Neck Press, seated DB Press

Side delts: Dumbbell Upright Row, seated lateral raises

Rear delts: Dumbbell Facepull, reverse flye

Quads: Front-foot elevated split squats, reverse nordic curls

Hams: Back extensions and seated leg curls

Calves: Standing Calf Raise with pause at the bottom of each rep

Abs: Candlesticks and incline crunches
@sarham41 Quads:

S: Heel Elevated, 3-second negative high bar squats (as much depth as possible)

A: Leg Press

B: BB Back Squat

C: Leg extensions

D: Romanians

F: Goblet squat (usually not able to get high enough weight or it's too many reps)
@sarham41 For overall chest mass I’m gonna have to go

S - Heavy Barbell Flat Bench

A - Dumbbell incline, Also dips

B - Smith Incline

C - Cable Flys

D - Pec Deck

This is just what I’ve noticed for me personally. I have always grown the best from heavy free weight lifts in the 4-8 range for chest and legs.