Hello all. Trying to figure out a weekly schedule that's well rounded but I don't get hurt by and Yet see see overall improvement. The thing is I like running but been told only do cardio max 3 x a week. I like weights but been told don't do weights more than 4 x a week or take breaks between. Yet also I need to train muscle groups more than once a week. Should I run the day before weights, should I do weights and run on same day. Also I can bike. So do I bike one day, weights another day, run another day, now do I take two days off in a row or spread them out. Forget cardio and just lift as some might say. The goal is really to lose fat and if I can do that, I'll advance to the next step when that bridge is crossed. The questions is how to do a weeks workout with the right amount of rest, the correct amount of cardio and the proper amount of weights. Am I thinking too much. To add, without hurting myself... that's important (disclosure.. I posted this in workout as well)