Overcoming Low Testosterone: My Journey to Improve Health and Fertility

Hey, Reddit community! I wanted to share my personal journey with low testosterone as a 25-year-old male, and how it’s been affecting my life leading up to my wedding in October.

On 7/27/2022, my testosterone levels were alarmingly low at 179.3 ng/dL. Determined to improve my health, I started working on my diet and exercise routine. After a few months of dedication, on 1/9/2023, my testosterone levels increased to 239.8 ng/dL, showing some progress. Encouraged by the results, I intensified my efforts, and on 4/11/2023, my levels further improved to 274.4 ng/dL.

Though my journey had some setbacks in June, I have recently hopped back on track as of 7/10/2023. I’m about to undergo another test to gauge my progress.

Despite my dedication, I’m facing challenges, especially concerning my weight. It’s disheartening that the doctors I’ve consulted don’t seem to take my concerns seriously. My main worry is that low testosterone is affecting my sex drive, and I want to be ready to start a family after getting married.

I’m reaching out for advice and support from the Reddit community. If anyone has faced similar issues or knows of effective strategies to improve testosterone levels, I would greatly appreciate your insights. I’m committed to making positive changes in my life, and I’m eager to hear about any success stories or tips that might help me on my journey to better health and fertility.

Thank you all for your support and understanding. Let’s lift each other up and make positive changes together!
@blessedyforgiven Two months ago I was at the 150ng. Now, I’m on 453.

The most important:
Increase health fats - aim for at least 1g/kg eggs and peanuts are great

Sleep quality - there’s no way around. You need it
Zinc and magnesium before sleep

Vitamin D3 10.000 IU with k2 if possible

Protein - it’s important to control SHBG and other things 2g/kg of animal proteins

Caloric surplus or at least maintenance level (track your macros)

Don’t use adaptogens, tongkat ali, boron or natural aromatase blockers if you don’t know your e2 and SHBG levels.

If you’re stressed and really need adaptogens, use only L theanine.

Clomid shouldn’t be used for hypogonadism without pituitary MRI.

If after three months the testosterone still low, you need to check for health problems (apnea, adenomas and others).
@krystalisms Hey man, if you know your SHBG levels (which I do), and currently cycling nootdepots tongkat ali, why should I not, or continue to cycle Tongkat based on my bloods?

I.e. what am I looking for. thanks a bunch!

-p.s 21y male with consistant test results 250-270. Very active lifstyle cycling and running and weightlifting.
@blessedyforgiven I messed up my T production years ago from steroids (blast and cruise). Conventional PCT didn't help and I was put on medical TRT with HCG. A blood test in early 2022 showed that everything else recovered (HDL cholesterol, liver functioning etc.) and was not only within range — but also at optimal levels. Because of that, I gave it a shot to get of TRT for good. A little more than a year later, I'm completely asymptomatic as far as low T goes.

I used Enclomiphene for three months, after five weeks of HCG mono. I now keep my T levels good by eating a lot of eggs, by cycling boron and by eating tongkat ali, ashwagandha and fadogia agrestis. I also keep my blood flow up and running with L-citrulline.

My activity level is high, because a sedentary lifestyle kills testosterone. In addition to weightlifting, I also bike and rock climb.

Good luck!

Edit: Did you get your LH and FSH levels checked too?
@dawn16 I no longer use TRT. Shutdown after BnC is rare and overblown, although recovery may take long. People think they're shutdown because they're not recovered after 2–3 months; or two years if you've just stopped Tren. Most who remain permanently suppressed started at a very young age; some also had low T to begin wirh. Vigorous Steve recovered after nine years on, and so did Pete Rubish.

People told me I had zero chance of recovery. I'm so effing happy right now I can't put it into words. No more taking blood tests, no more bloat after eating salty foods, no more having to spend money every month for treatment etc.
@whoselinefan I stopped in late 2017 and until after 2020 I wouldn't say I was 100% but my lifestyle wasn't helping either, only after 2021 I started training well and just generally living healthier and I feel way better, leaner, etc. Shame I don't have pre blast bloodwork to compare now, will check my hormones later this year.

happy to hear you are fine now, I definitely don't miss steroids and all the hassle and issues they cause
@chapnelson Last test was taken in December during PCT. SHBG at 45 and total test at 22 nmol/l. Free test back then was a whopping 2,5% lower than that of an average 34 year old man. I haven't taken any tests recently, but I feel exactly the same as on TRT. Tbh, I felt like shit on my last steroid cycle.

People tell me I look very masculine, and some even think I still run cycles. In other words, I don't worry too much.
@blessedyforgiven I went through a similar journey in my early 30's; Low testosterone (120), married, trying to start a family. Was on Androgel for a bit.

In my case, T levels have nothing to do with fertility.

With resistance training, now in my 40's, I'm naturally at ~500. Not that the number really means anything. How you feel is much more important.
@blessedyforgiven First of all, congratulations for your wedding mate.

I have a question, im 17 and dont get morning wood anymore and i wanted to ask if you expirience the same or if you alwalys got morning wood.
@blessedyforgiven Boron and magnesium supplements

Do 6-9 mg of boron citrate or triple boron complex

Magnesium from cacao and 2-3 pills as glycinate form, non else.

Workout at night do those pills with post workout meal.

Boron raises testosterone levels and magnesium does as well.

Beyond that, you could try adding maximum 3 grams worth of freeze dried liver pills to raise them further

And see your estrogen levels and gut issues to see if you'll need DIM and glucarate to manage the bad type of estrogens