
@wintermint With lifting I was starting to get chronic back pain but once I strengthened my abs at the advice of a trainer it disappeared. I have noticed it’s easier to injure myself lifting than with Pilates, Pilates is like yoga where I never V feel myself getting injured or noticeable discomfort after a session besides sore abs after Pilates. I hope these kind of girls realize Pilates can give you a pancake butt lol, it’s not the end all be all for exercise aesthetically. It’s great if you want smaller muscles but if you want great glutes and hamstrings lifting is superior
@maryephil It's probably not going to cause as much hypertrophy as more bodybuilding specific workouts tho, right? Like I don't doubt the glutes are worked but not quite in the same way! (ps i am all about exercise for more than aesthetics)
@ricardoleslie9811 I can see how people can have bad experiences and get injured jumping into lifting cold turkey without a trainer and then feel a lot better with pilates. I think that's the problem with a certain type of workout being trendy because people think they can just go at it themselves without any guidance and see the same results as people who have trainers or years of experience.
@wintermint I also think we have to listen to our bodies. I cannot lift more than 2-3x a week without getting pain and exhaustion, but I can only do Zumba once or twice a week anymore and I feel like crap. Everyone is different
@wintermint Yes that’s totally the vibe I’ve been getting! As a teen of the early 2000s I’ve had to work so hard to unlearn the ‘the thinner the better’ mindset and lifting was a huge help in doing that. Even now I still struggle with my stomach not being perfectly flat even though I’m fit and strong af.

With that era of fashion coming back around it wouldn’t surprise me if muscle and bums go out of fashion and waif-like figures come back in.
@mr73140 The mega former is not really pilates. I’ve seen what they do in the mega former classes and it’s more of a cardio + strength session being sold under the guise of pilates. Pilates is a specific neuromuscular program that was created to fix faulty movement patterns. I’m not saying it’s a bad form of exercise, it’s just a different modality all together.
@seekinganswersinlife A few weeks ago, Lori Harvey was on the red carpet saying she got her abs from Pilates. Ever since then, the girlies have been going crazy. People popping out of nowhere as if they’ve been doing it for years. I definitely think it’s some kind of marketing ploy by big Pilates, as another commenter has mentioned. It is truly amazing how quick we are to hop on trends. It feels very insidious to me!
@yasher That’s what happened when Miley Cyrus slimmed down years ago too. She was followed by paparazzi and photographed going to her regular pilates classes. People saw her body change and went crazy over it.
@bariki Seriously, I was one of those teens that heard about Pilates for when Miley Cyrus mentioned her abs. Every so often the old techniques or fads come back when a celeb of a younger generation (I have no idea who Lori Harvey is) says something they just discovered for themselves and propels it into the world of young impressionable teens.

Just like how the early 00s are back in. Today we welcome back the low riders, and tomorrow crochet bikinis.
@doggirl LOL I also have no idea who Lori Harvey is!! I’m assuming she’s Steve Harvey’s daughter but could be completely wrong because I don’t care enough to look it up