
@yasher Damn you, I just looked it up out of curiosity and she is Steve Harvey's daughter. SMH

I honestly didn't know that misogynist had children, let alone daughters.
@doggirl I think the new generation has learned some common sense and are selling crocheted cotton bralettes instead of crocheted cotton bikini tops that will grow and sag when in contact with water.
@doggirl I actually don’t know who she is either haha

I wonder when/if aerobics will come back into the spotlight.

Even with the cyclical trends, I hope that starvation and crash dieting never catches on in mainstream again. Those were dark times for women of all ages.
@seekinganswersinlife I think the "sudden changes within weeks after lifting weights for years" could be a higher calorie burn that contributes to some weight/fat loss. The body earned was through those years of lifting, but the weight loss helped with definition.

I'd like to lose about 15 pounds, but even 5 will make a big difference in my appearance.
@seekinganswersinlife …Are you asking if TikTok is a good source for science-backed information? Heh, in that case I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Honestly it’s marketing. Even if these women are for real, for every person that “found their ideal body” changing from weightlifting to Pilates, there are probably three or five or ten times as many who liked the body they got from weightlifting. Some Pilates association somewhere found a few from the former camp and paid them to tell their story.
@drokey I'm all for dunking on terrible TikTok disinfo, but to then say:

for every person that “found their ideal body” changing from weightlifting to Pilates, there are probably three or five or ten times as many who liked the body they got from weightlifting.

is just as bad! Totally rampant speculation. I know this sub LOVES lifting and that's it, but I remember when everyone was doing Pilates and it did change people's lives because they were getting good movement and strength training for the first time, and a lot of people don't want progressive overload and calorie boosts for big muscles.

It's okay if people like the lean look from smaller aerobic movements and not getting swole. This sub is also a microcosm of social media. Let's not spread misinformation here too.
@sscablao Thank you! This sub is always so biased towards lifting, which is also a microcosm of the general population. The best workout is the workout you can do consistently and enjoy - period.
@drokey And I bet so many of these women have built their baseline strength from lifting weights. Hypertrophy training might be boring but the science backs it up. And moving to a different form of exercise when you are used to exercising is different to starting from scratch.
@drokey LOL touché.

I suppose I can’t get my head around just literally making stuff up or knowingly lying, so I’m giving the benefit of the doubt that these claims are maybe based in some truth.

But yeah I guess I forgot that just because a post doesn’t say spon or ad doesn’t mean it’s legit content.