please help a kid figure out if her workout routine on a time crunch and slight arm emphasis is okay lol (I need this for a project as well)


New member
I've been training for Hypertrophy for around a year and 9 months, but have only really been taking it srsly for like.. maybe.. a literal year/ a literal year and a few months im not sure)

Here is my routine as a 16 afab, Do note that because the volume might be wild lol. Surprisingly, Lower body movements really tax my cns lol idk if it’s just the terribly hot weather but I put them in the middle bcs 1. Theyre not my focus and 2. They get me exhausted pretty easily) I go til failure in all of these rarely going like.. 2 reps behind. I also do dropsets for movements I plateaued in (Incline Bench Press, Cable up right rows, Squats, All bicep movements that do progress but leave me flat, and and Lat pulldowns (I've tried to do everything for this lol, dropsets, the deload week kinda worked but idk i'm still not progressing as much as on other movements)

Everything is in 3 supersets, One of them being a heavy warm up.

Day 1

-Incline bench press (5-6 reps) + Dumbbell one arm preacher curl (5-6 reps) + Front raises (plateaued on ohp na lol : ()

-Flat bench (6-7 reps) + Ez bar curls (5-7 reps) + Face pulls (8-10 reps)

Rdls (5-6 reps) (plateaued on deadlifts so )

-Chest flies (5-6 reps) + pronated ez bar curls (5-7 reps) + cable upright rows (7-8 reps)

Day 2

-Cable rows (6-8 reps) + Skull crushers (5-7 reps)

-Lat pulldowns (5-7 reps) + Tricep pushdowns (6-7 reps)

Squats (5-6 reps)

-Forearm pushdown with a bar handle (the one sam sulek does lol)(6-8 reps) + Forearm wrist roller with a bar handle (6 til absolute failure)

-Dead hangs (for as long as I could; so far I’ve done 1 minute, then 2 minutes if I include active resting like changing the grip lol)


Repeat Day 1

Repeat Day 2

2 more days of rest Cardio usually depends on how my body is feeling but last week I did cardio in the last 2 days, with one of the, being wayy lighter)

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