please help with workout routine


New member
hello so i am a complete noob when it comes to working out so i would like some advice with my routine. I am 26 years old male 1.79 cm and 70 kilos. I havent exercised basically in 10 years and i also smoke for 10 years. Three months ago i decided to start working out mainly to build stamina and secondary muscle. I am not trying to get huge just athletic. For the past three months i have been working out every other day without missing my workout once. When i started out i could barely run for 5 minutes straight, now i run for 10 minutes walk for 2 minutes run 4 minutes walk 3 minutes and run 1 minute at 8 km/h and i have been messing with the incline, i started at 0 and now i am at six. Immediately after running i do 3 sets of 10 knee/womens push ups with 15 seconds break between each set then i do three sets of 20 crunches with 30 sec and then 1 minute break in between each set. After the crunches i do a final set of knee push ups and then dumbells. I use a 5 kilo dumbell in each hand. I do 20 reps of side lateral raises( 10 each hand alternating) and immediately 10 reps of dumbell press then i rest for 3 to 5 minutes. After that i do 20 reps of front raises (10 each hand alternating) and immediately 10 reps of flat neutral press then i rest for 3-5 minutes. Finally i do 12 reps of each hand concentration curls and 40 reps of curls ( 20 each hand alternating). As for dieting i changed basically nothing i just try to cook more frequently lentil soup . So is it a good workout ? Should i stick with it ? I am worrying because i can only see a difference in my running routine everything else seems stagnant. I would really appreciate some advice and again sorry for the long post

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