
@isthaail13 Where did I try so hard? šŸ’€ LMFAO itā€™s been proven that some of his workouts are helpful šŸ˜‚ no offense my guy but you sound like you just started pumping iron.
@dawn16 When did I say that his workouts are not helpful? I just said there are better variations and ur ego couldnt handle that I dont adhere to ur daddy Sams workout regimen. Zip it up when you are done šŸ„±
@isthaail13 Okay, drink pre-workout then šŸ’€ why do you think D1 athletes donā€™t take pre-workouts. How is he bs? Itā€™s facts tho half of the food that you eat are processed. Why do you think filipinos have the same diseases? Itā€™s because our food and diet is shit.
@dawn16 Lol never said OP should drink preworkout. He is BS bc most of his claims is outrageous and give ā€œtrust me broā€ energy. I remember seeing one of his tiktoks with random percentages of protein absorbed per food. ABSOLUTELY, 100% BS. The only thing I agree with him is people should eat whole foods and not processed one.
@dawn16 And please dont use D1 athletes, who are elite in terms of training and genetics, as your basis for not taking preworkouts. I dont suggest pre-workouts but it can help some people. It varies person to person and you should not approach these things with a one size fits all thinking.
@isthaail13 Dude, there are d1 athletes( previous juco products) who grinded for years šŸ’€ if youā€™re just gonna use genetics, dr mike israetel has debunked this, will ratelle(d1 coach), and a lot of those theories. Itā€™s the work ethic. Hella kids who used pjf perfomance have improved their athletic ability.
@isthaail13 Define your elite level of training? Because last time I checked, UK training is the same as Juco workouts. Theyā€™re elite because of their skill. šŸ¤—
@dawn16 I am not here to argue about training styles nor genetics. I just wanted to shed light on one of your sources spreading misinformation all over the internet.
@isthaail13 Iā€™m not here to argue but to say that one incorrect information from one individual makes them unreliable to give nutrition advice is funny to me. Smartfitph had given some false information; does that make him unreliable for fitness advice? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø
@dawn16 Your guy, Eddie, has 1.6M followers. He is an influencer with a wide audience. It is his RESPONSIBILITY to think critically and make sure what he publishes online is 100% factual. I am not saying that it is wrong to have mistakes, I just wanted to say that there are better people who have less platform than that of Eddieā€™s that actually makes an effort in providing sources like Jeff Nippard.

Also, if you want to talk about the Smartfit vs Joven. It is a matter of reading comprehension. Smartfit never said that it is bad to spread out your meals. He just wanted to clarify that to those who do not have the luxury of time to spread their meals in 30-40g of protein can eat more than that. It is established that the total protein consumption is far more important than spreading your meals. BUT, this does not necessarily advocate that you should have all of your protein in 1-2 meals. Personally, I try to follow Jovenā€™s way of spreading his meals if I have the time.