Prerequisites for barbell training?


New member
As somebody just starting out, my goals are to improve my overall health by:
1. Building strength with weight lifting
2. Increase endurance and heart health with cardio.

Compound lifts with barbells seems to be the most efficient way to build strength, but can I just start out with barbells, or do I need to progress to that level? e.g. starting with body weight training. I’m weak and don’t want to I just myself.

@jlpick You can absolutely start out with barbells, and I would highly recommend doing so! There are no prerequisites. The r/fitness wiki has a ton of great info and programs, you would probably be best off reading through some of the info provided there and picking one of the free programs listed.
@jlpick You can start with a barbell, but it’s also not a bad idea to practice with lighter weights and work your way up. Ultimately lifting weights is all about movement patterns and you’re going to do those movements no matter what the equipment looks like.

They have weighted bars at the gym that mimic barbells but are lighter. You can also do bands or dumbbells.

Machines will be the same patterns but it’s harder to make the connection to what you do with a barbell until you’ve been doing the movements for a while.