[Progress] From 0.4kg to 3kg in 6 months


New member
Context: F/23/160cm, SW: 91kg CW: 84ish GW: ???? whatever looks good. I've always had extremely strong legs and extrem weak arms. I use a granny trolley to carry my shopping home. I was never able to do a push up.

This might be the most minuscule victory or progress on this sub, but I'm very proud of myself and wanted to share. I've been working out (again) for 6 months and 2 weeks. The workout I do (T25) is a HIIT program split into 3 cycles of 5, 5, and 4 weeks respectively. First cycle is very cardio focused, the second is mostly equal between cardio and weights, and the third is weights focused. Body weights are used throughout, but dumbbells starts in the second cycle.

A couple of months ago I did my first push up ever (on the knees, but still)!!! And I can now do up to 4 before I collapse sobbing.

I started out using tins of tomatoes of 400g. They felt heavy. My arms hurt. Then I went up to two of them duct taped together. Then I treated myself to two sets of dumbbells, first of 1.5kg and second of 2kg. Yesterday I was in a sports store for the first time in my life. I picked up the smallest weight plates they had (0.5kg) so I can use my boyfriend's dumbbells (which are adjustable) instead of buying new ones every 14 weeks. I'm now up to 3kg (0.5x2 + 2kg bar). They honestly look ridiculous, like they should be pink and covered in Hello Kitty or something, but I'm very proud of how far I've come!

Yesterday I took my best progress picture: one can, two cans, dumbbell, bigger dumbbell, new dumbbell. I look forward to gaining strong, sexy arms, who don't wave back when I wave!
@myopier Well done on your progress! I started lifting weights with 2kg dumbbells as they were literally all I could manage at first, I still remember trying the 3kg and failing...couple years later I can deadlift 1.5 x my bodyweight!

Keep at it and I'm sure you will see great results :)
@myopier Well done! Progress is progress. It doesn't matter where you start. It only matters if you are happy where you end up. It sounds like you are happy. Congratulations.
@dawn16 Thank you! I tend to use a big reusable bag now for small purchases (up to 5-6kg), but I still use the trolley when I buy kitty litter (6L + other shopping). It doesn't really help that the big shops are 30min away and I walk there... 😂 (Or it does help with my overall fitness and leg strength, depending on how you look at it!)