Progress Post - 10 Days out from 1st Natural Bodybuilding Competition


New member
I have been working on hard on my posing since the /r/bodybuilding online competition so I would greatly appreciate feedback/critiques on that. This was my first time posing without a mirror since then so still needs work.

Competition -

I will be in the Open Bodybuilding Middleweight class

Current Stats: 27 years old, 6'1", 174 lb with body fat ~5-6% (will get DXA on Monday to confirm).

Measurements (taken morning after rest day)

Arms: 15", Chest: 42.75", Waist: 29.5", Thighs: 23", Calves: 14.5"


February: Avg 2706 cal, Avg Deficit 250 cal/day after exercise

March: Avg 2441 cal, Avg Deficit 250 cal/day after exercise

April: Avg 2686 cal, Avg Deficit 250 cal/day after exercise

May: Avg 2570 cal, Broke even most of the month

June: Avg 2648 cal, Avg Deficit 250 cal/day after exercise

July so far: Avg 2704 kcal, Avg Deficit 500 cal/day after exercise

The increase in calories is because I bike to work and got a new job 5 miles away, was hoping to hit 170 lb the day of competition but will prob get around 172.

Experimenting with a low sodium diet this week to see if I notice a difference and will either continue it or go back to normal before show.


I shoot for 25% pro/25% fat/50% carb which comes out to be 185g pro, 88g fat, 320g carb

See old posts for actual meals if you are interested, I haven't really changed anything besides the amounts slightly.


Normally all I use is a whey protein supplement post workout along with creatine monohydrate as well as fish oil and a joint supp with breakfast and that is all I recommend. However, at my new job I have access to free supplements from one company (I don't get to chose) so I have added on a HMB, BCAA, and a caffeine free pre before my workouts as well as a ZMA supp before bed. Honestly haven't noticed a change in my workouts or recovery but maybe no change after cutting this long means they're doing something? I will probably discontinue once the contest is over, I much prefer the whole foods approach and planning in all those supplements around meals is annoying.

Current Workout

Currently 5 day split Shoulders/Back/Chest/Legs/Arms, Abs 2x/wk

Can upload plan when I get off work if wanted


Need a lot of feedback on which of these need improvement please! Also trying to decide which to use for my solo music posing that I really should get on making...

Front Relaxed -
Front Double Bicep - (w/vacuum) , (w/ab flex) (which do I look better doing?)

Side Relaxed (left) - (can I rotate my chest more towards the judges? I know my head should be facing straight ahead)

Side Tricep (left) -
Side Chest (left) -

Rear Relaxed -

Back Double Bicep - (looks funny due to camera angle)

Rear Lat Spread - (again, bad camera angle)

Side Relaxed (right) -

Side Tricep (right) -

Side Chest (right) -

Front Lat Spread - (needs a lot of work, having trouble hitting properly)

Abdominal and Thigh -,

Double Calf -

Serratus Pose (right) -

Serratus Pose (left) -

Old Posts:

2014, June (r/bodybuilding online competition) -

2014, May (11 weeks out) -

2014, Feb (end of bulk results) -

2013, June (6 yr transformation post) -
@paparazi257 Lean as fuck bro! Those quad veins are grossss!

Like /@karinw said, with the side poses, put that front foot more forward and use your back knee to press into your front hamstring so it pops more.

Good luck this weekend!!
Also, always tilt your poses toward the judges. If you are center stage face forward, but if you're off to the left or right make sure THEIR view is straight on.
@paparazi257 IMO during your side poses, you should be opening up your shoulder more, as well as having your front foot a bit further forward with more bend. Something like this.

For your rear lat spread, try to flare your lats even more by dropping your shoulders and bringing them forward.

During your back double bi, try twisting your heel on the leg that you have extended towards your body, it can help create the illusion of width in your thigh as well as activating your glutes.

Front lat spread, try hooking your thumbs on around your back slightly above your hip bones, and pull your elbows and shoulders forward to flare those lats. At the same time try to inhale upwards (makes your waist look smaller so you have a better V) and try to get your chest activated as well. Just pretend that you're arnie.

You're looking peeled though, good luck with the comp!
@paparazi257 You are definitely there with the conditioning. For your side chest and tricep poses, squat down a bit more and push your legs against each other, it will make your hamstrings pop more. For your front double bi, both variations you did are correct but you should use the one where you crunch your abs because your definition is that good. Other than that, keep practicing that posing up to the show. Good luck!
@paparazi257 Fuck man, this hurts to look at. You are shredded enough to place, maybe even win your class, but not with your current posing. You need to look at how other people pose and mimic them. Watch everything you can find from nick covalli (sp?) on youtube (better bodybuilding aesthetics, or something like that). Watch everything from on posing. Read layne nortons guide, which includes some posing stuff, watch everything!

I'll help you with a few poses... but you have a lot to work on.

for every front pose, put a leg out slightly in front like this https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd...._=1413599118_048dc9289688881feaed38674aac2f61

push the front of your foot into the ground and try to lift up your thigh while medially rotating it - this causes you to flex your rectus femoris and sartorius (pic is guy that won bantamweight at my last contest) I also think it looks a bit better if your leg is bent, but if you extend your knee you see more striations

for side poses, jab your rear leg into your hamstring, otherwise your legs will always look tiny

front relaxed needs to flex lats, delts, and medially rotate arms

front lat - stop flexing your abs, you aren't even doing the pose if you flex abs

spread lats in rear relaxed

push your back arm into your chest on side relaxed+side chest, twist torso more for side relaxed

other poses need work too, but you can do that without me

also: flex glutes on every pose where they are visible, yours are probably striated at this point, show them off because they are probably going to be what separates you from everyone else
@dawn16 Damn that's what I was afraid of. Been working hard at it but still have a long ways to go... I appreciate you taking the tkme to share the resources, I had looked at a few of them before but not the others. Will def keep working at it every day. Thanks again for the tips
@paparazi257 Really good stuff. As others have said - on your side shots I would open up your shoulders more. Also - side chest; don't put your hand on your wrist (it covers your forearm and makes your arm looks smaller). Grab the pinky of your opposite hand
@dawn16 Thanks! I agree it def needs work and I've been practicing all weekend so has gotten better. Oh yeah he is I looked up winners from last year and was like shiiiit