Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)


New member
Today marked my last day of my third, 6 week mesocycle using the RP Hypertrophy App. Here is my progress on a few exercises within this timeframe:

Dumbbell Incline bench:

Week 1=

65lbs x 8 | Set 1 | 3 RIR

65lbs x 8 | Set 2 | 3 RIR

65lbs x 8 | Set 3 | 3 RIR

Week 5 = 70x9,8,7 within 3 total sets | 0 RIR

70lbs x 9 | Set 1 | 0 RIR

70lbs x 8 | Set 2 | 0 RIR

70lbs x 7 | Set 2 | 0 RIR

Weighted Dips:

Week 1=

57.5lbs x 8 | Set 1 | 3 RIR

57.5lbs x 8 | Set 2 | 3 RIR

57.5lbs x 8 | Set 3 | 3 RIR

Week 5=

57.5lbs x12 | Set 1 | 0 RIR

57.5lbs x10 | Set 2 | 0 RIR

Tricep Pushdown:

Week 1=

90lbs x 5 | Set 1 | 3 RIR

90lbs x 5 | Set 2 | 3 RIR

Week 5=

105lbs x 5 | Set 1 | 3 RIR

105lbs x 4 | Set 2 | 3 RIR

Flat Barbell Bench: This was the second time that I've ever hit 225lb for reps since COVID, which has been my goal of achieving since the beginning of this year. Chest has always been my weakest, so this macro cycle I've been tailoring my training to build my chest the most and definitely noticed growth and learned a lot programming wise.

Week 1=

205lbs x 5 | Set 1 | 3 RIR

205lbs x 5 | Set 2 | 3 RIR

205lbs x 5 | Set 3 | 3 RIR

Week 5=

225lbs x 3 | Set 1 | 0 RIR

225lbs x 3 | Set 2 | 0 RIR

This mesocycle I noticed my body was giving me signs that it may be needing a deload earlier then I programmed. I began to stall or regress on some of my lifts towards the fifth week and my joints felt a little off. I think it's due to the fact that for the last three mesocycles I've been very push focused in my 3-day full body split. 3 full 6-week mesoscycles of push may be my limit, so I may look to test this again in the future with different week variations in future macro cycle programmings.

My muscle group stats

I also realized I built up a lot of systemic fatigue from the physical therapy exercises I do everyday to combat my neurological issues. So I'm going to start building my programming with that in mind going forward so I don't end up possibly injuring myself or stalling on my lifts faster.I plan to do 1 more mesocycle, mainly full body focused and less emphasis on push as I transition into my cut. I originally was looking to bulk up until March, but this mesocycle I switched my goals up after doing some thinking. I considered on planning my cut at the start of February since I will also be deloading during these mesocycles as well, taking me a little extra time to get back down from 190lb - 170lb by June.

Will continue to monitor the progress and experiment with my own programing based on the data I get from this app. Really happy with the results overall though!
@eil how did you do the same weight and reps at 3 rir 3 sets in a row? i find that even doing 2-3 RIR my reps drop down a few, and by set 3 i have to drop the weight
@miles44 I can answer this because I've done it by accident, usually with bench.

Basically, you don't realize you're actually dropping the RIR every set but staying at the sames reps. Then, at the final rep of the final set, you learn you were, in fact, a dumbass and hit failure. I've stayed at the same reps for bb squats because I have never gone to failure on those.

I've had issues tracking my RIR for shit like incline curls and side delts as well. I usually get something like 18 reps and drop as hard as 14 reps and down to 12 for the last set.
@miles44 I can gauge my RIR pretty easily and pick the load pretty accurately to be able to maintain my reps throughout. I determine my RIR based on:
  1. My previous lifting data from prior mesocycles.
  2. How I maintain my technique during my lift and my rep tempo as I approach the desired rep goal. (If I notice I slow down easily on a certain rep as the weight feels like it’s pushing back, it’s an indicator for me that I’m in my RIR range)
@eil I don’t think you understand the point - if you did 3 RIR on 3 sets, the reps would decrease as you become more fatigued. No way you did the exact same reps with the exact same weight and RIR, it doesn’t make sense.

I don’t think you’re as good at gauging RIR as you think.
@emmierose80 I understand completely, I should have added that I start this exercise fresh into my workout right when I start. So my first exercise of the day is incline dumbbells, where I have the most energy and therefore can do the exact same reps and weight.
@eil Although 3RIR is not quite all out, it still is fatiguing enough that even fresh I highly doubt you could do three sets in a row at 3RIR of a compound movement. After one or two sets of three RIR, you are going to be too fatigued to hit the same number or reps in the third (or even second) set for the same RIR, unless you are resting for a large amount of time between sets
@fivesenses I see what you mean, I’ll take this into account for my next mesocycle although here is some food for thought as well:
  1. Everyone has different capacities to handle fatigue throughout training. So although you are right in that regard, could you argue that it won’t be the same for everyone?
For example, I notice I’m generally someone who can handle A LOT of volume/ intensity in a given week compared to other people in the gym. My body also responds to fatigue in certain ways in which it actually makes me blown away by how much I can handle at times. So in this case could it be that in theory I could hit those rep, set, and RIR schemes in that fashion?
  1. I do take ample time to rest, anywhere between 2-4 minutes between compound sets.