Protein intake after resistance training

@mondifort If you search for the Peter Atia podcast, it's called The Drive(?), the episode with Don Layman, he goes over it, don't remember if that was where he went into detail or not.

And on the last Zoe podcast they just did an episode that focused on nuts. Not necessarily the protein, but just talking about how we can't digest it all.

If the plant sources are processed, peanut butter vs peanuts, we get more. But our digestive systems just can't deal with the fiber as efficiently which leaves some of the nutrients behind. Just means we need to eat more :)
@mountainofgod1 He’s just throwing out numbers and sites no sources

But based on his logic, if we only absorb 60-80% of the protein due to plant composition (fiber) we should absorb 100% of the protein from protein isolate powders. So that will be one way around it if someone is worried about protein intake.
@mondifort I'm trying to work, stop distracting me with good stuff :)

Layman proposes a carnivore diet because ruminants can take protein from forage and like double it or something. He is not against plant based. I have heard him say multiple times that plant based is perfectly fine as long as you watch what you consume. Listened to 90% of the video. Need more :) Yes cooking it makes it more bioavailable, crushing something makes it more bioavailable. I've lived on a farm. What goats have to go through to process their forage I can't believe matches what we do when we cook something. It's why most of my greens I eat in a smoothie! I don't chew very well :)

I'd also like to see someone support the plant vs animal by not using processed proteins. So when he said something about building muscle with soy, yes to the powder, but same results if your body has to process it the protein and untangle it from the fiber?

He also didn't know how the RDA was actually created :)
@mountainofgod1 Well we are not goats, cows or mice. Just cause one cant fathom a human body being able to process foods better than a goat doesnt mean it cant… the body is very complicated. Therefore, we go based on studies done on humans. Not like we feed on hay anyways, we cook our meals and that places an important role on digestibility.

He is still biased as even little research on layman shows up carnivore diet related.
@pheadablessed Try intermittent fasting, no eating after 8pm, and not until lunch the next day. In the mornings, if you can traing, do HIIT type training, intense but short.

6 weeks, making sure you are keeping a calory deficit.

You cant go wrong.
@pheadablessed Sometimes the way you do cardio drives your body to burn calories from your muscle rather than fat stores. If you want to build/sustain muscle and burn only fat calories, low impact steady state cardio is helpful. Zone 2 is your happy place.
@pheadablessed Track all your food for a few weeks to get a handle on your intake. I use Cronometer. Bean stews are great! I have leaned out and increased muscle eating a ton of beans (and other whole foods like oatmeal, greens, carrots, beets, fruit etc and some protein powder). My guess is you are going off the rails with the nuts. It is shocking how much fat they and seeds contain. Your body does no work to store fat. Look into the thermic effect of protein, carbohydrates, and fat to understand what I am talking about. Shoot for about 80 percent per pound of body weight and keep your fat in a lower range. You will be fine. I am 5 foot 8 and generally aim at ingesting less than 30 grams of fat a day. Of course I go over and have cheat days. But in general I have been achieving great results with this formula.