Protein: Seitan is 58% the cost of chicken breast


New member
I did some simple calculations based on nutrition labels, a recipe I use, and google.

I use Anthony's Vital Wheat Gluten which is $18 for 4lbs (1.81kg) or $0.99 for 100g. At 77% protein by weight, that makes vital wheat gluten $0.013/g protein.

Chicken breast averages $3.18/lb in the U.S., or $0.702 for 100g. Chicken breast is 31% protein by weight, which makes it $0.023/g protein.

That makes gluten protein 57% the price of chicken protein.

The recipe I use to make Seitan O' Greatness calls for 1.5 cups (180 grams) for 6 servings, or $0.30 per serving with 23g protein per serving. The average chicken breast half is 86g, or $0.60 per serving with 27g protein per serving.

That makes seitan 59% the price of chicken breast (again, with regard to protein).

I hope this is helpful. Seitan was a lot easier to make than I expected, and can be made in large batches. I find it (along with beans and lentils) more enjoyable to eat than endless protein shakes and tofu, but I get my protein (170-200g/day) from all of the above.

There are also decent recipes for seitan protein bars although the ones I made were a little too bready.

Godspeed vegans!
@rrcoffin In light of recent controversy (pertaining to feeding vegans meat as a prank), let's take careful note that scaring your friend with a bag of gluten is not a trust violation because (1) we can assume by your use of the term "anti-gluten fears" your roommate does not suffer from celiacs, and (2) there is no ethical argument against gluten.

You are not violating her rights or disrespecting strong secular convictions. That is all.
@ofartemis There is theoretical bullshit about gut permeability that doesn't make sense unless you consume gluten without carbohydrates or fiber...

There are some people with gluten allergy.

There are som people with celiac disease.

There is no gluten sensittivity or intolerance in humans.

There could be a possibility. But it's bullshit.

Mostly nocebo (backwards placebo).
@ofartemis In many ways. But I'm guessing...

Nocebo effect would be one.

Another would be that your stomack gets used to whatever you eat. If you don't eat dairy products, your gut bacteria that processed that, will die. If you don't eat products with gluten (which is only a set of proteins contained in other foods in other forms) you could trigger a "gluten sensitivity". But that will last 24h, because the gut bacteria will get used to eat it in that time.

Or maybe you are celiac.
@ofartemis Well I'm not a doctor in medicine so I am only paraphrasing from my doctor. Right now I haven't tried dairy for such a long time that I'm probably not able to digest it. But it should be put to test if I'm capable again of digesting it ever again or not in the long term. Not planning to try it though.
@rrcoffin This is very timely for me. I just made my first seitan this past week and was amazed at the difference from store-bought which was just too slimy for me. Those protein numbers just sealed the deal, I'm going to keep some on hand every week!!