PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

@fideminillalux Vegetarian Female here with low iron - Most over the counter iron supplements or iron prescriptions are not vegetarian (they are made form desiccated cow liver) and I have been told these will likely cause constipation.

I take a vegan iron supplement pill called Blood Builder (that you are not able to get with a prescription) which has managed to raise my levels from 4 to 12. My hair has never grown faster than in the past year, I have more energy, and far less blue tinge under my eyes. I am able to take it at my convenience and what works best for my body to absorb it.

There was one other vegetarian option that also did not require a prescription at a health food store called Floradex/Floravit (one is gluten free) but I found it a hassle to keep it refrigerated all the time, taking it to work, and taking it at the ideal time.

edit for accidentally posting before completed sentence
@thanksman That doesn’t sound accurate. Ferrous fumarate, gluconate and sulfate, which are the the most common iron salts in supplements, are prepared by dissolving iron in acid and adding the compound with the counter-ion. Heme iron supplements (or desiccated liver) are a specialty product and, IME, are clearly advertised on the label. It’s a lot more work to isolate the heme and extract the iron than to file off some elemental iron.
@thanksman My doctor recommended Blood Builder too and it definitely increased my iron levels. I just couldn't get past the strong smell/taste though! I guess that's an issue with most iron supplements though.
@darren19 Yes, I've also noticed blood builder smells and taste a bit odd. I've gotten used to it out of necessity.

I took the plain drugstore iron supplement pill and that didn't smell funny to me. But I'm sure there must be something else that is vegetarian that doesn't taste weird.
@mjlavall Might I add to this conversation that the most common cause for iron deficiency in young women is excessive blood loss with menstruation.

As for normal values for ferritin: lower limit of normal is indeed 20, however over 30 is considered adequate to prevent anemia. As OP pointed out, iron overload can be dangerous so don't go overboard.

I'm an internal medicine physician. :)
@wifikitten Hey! Just saw this post and I know you can’t provide medical advice online but just wanted an opinion if you get a chance.

I just saw my lab results for ferritin, and it says 29 rn, I have been supplementing with iron and still had this result. Over the last week or so I’ve been so fatigued that I had to take this week off lifting.

I know my results are technically in the normal range but does it make sense to have a meeting with my doctor to get some more testing done for iron? The rest of my lab results seemed fine so this is the only thing I can point to as a potential cause for the crazy fatigue