PSA: if you workout in a small secluded gym, don’t do supersets and hog 2-3 machines

@piescko Yes, this is what I do! Supersets include:
  • Barbell bench press + barbell row
  • Overhead press + pullup (on squat rack)
  • Cable cross machine lateral raises + rear delt row
  • etc.
@ainigma Haha! I have a private gym that is typically dead at a certain time, so I get about 2 hours of the place to myself every day. I just bust out some pretty high intensity training, clean up and call it a day. I tend to shy away from super sets if there are others though.
@sarinajohn When I see someone taking up one of the two double pulleys to do kneeling double biceps pulls I frown a lot, yes. It's a curl, go somewhere else and free the equipment for an exercise that can only be done there like flies.
@aeri20 There's a third way: be mindful of how you setup your supersets in a small gym and/or let people work with you.

With a bit more thought into the exercises you can take up a minimal amount of space.

If you had a superset like chest press - cable row - incline crunches

instead of using 2-3 stations, you can easily modify that to use an adjustable bench and dumbbells to

dumbbell chest press - helms rows - modified candlesticks
@aeri20 I superset almost everything, but basically if one movement uses a machine or rack or bench, the other lift will use the same Bench or equipment or I'll use freeweights like dumbells. And I don't take any longer of a rest when I superset so it's usually not a bother. But my gym is never really packed and I generally know what people are roughly doing any given day
@savedsoul2010 It’s actually kinda bad compared to other gyms, where a month pass is like $30.

The only reason I go there is it’s literally in my backyard lol. The next closest gym is 30 mins away haha